Thursday, February 26, 2015

Tillers Of The Soil

Early in the history of our race, men became tillers of the soil. They had to in order to sustain life.

Perhaps in the beginning men were hunters and gatherers, while women were the first gardeners. Domestication of cattle and other animals, plus tilling the soil made possible all future advancement. It forced men to invent tools for working the land as well as harvesting the crops. This also created other industries.

The possession of land was the beginning of wealth, and perhaps slavery (both black and white), for land without labor was useless. Title deeds to land made the owners master of all they could possess. Possession and conquest lead to wars and trained soldiers or guardsmen to maintain control. The history of the race has many scars and many aggressive deeds that mar the higher ideals of man.

Ownership of a home with a little land to till makes every family feel fulfilled and is a step toward happiness.  An ironic quote: "Only he knows perfect joy, whose little bit of soil is richer ground than what it was when he began to toil."

Growing things that are good to eat gives to life its greatest reward and makes one proud of what he has done to make this axiom true.

When this great nation was young, 80% of its people lived on farms and tilled the soil. As time has gone on, the percentage has reversed and now the majority of the newer generations live in cities. Often, in congested areas, crime and moral decline are making inroads in our nation and world that is very disturbing.

Another thing is also true. The health of the nation has suffered in various ways. Hypertension, nervous breakdowns, gastric ulcers, headaches, and other symptoms are marring life and leading to dangerous drug habits, encouraged by doctors with liberal prescription pads. Thus, pain killers, pep pills and other "prescription" drugs are too frequently used resulting in dangerous side effects. This being true, what is the way out?

Try living your life naturally. Do a better way of regaining health without the use of drugs. The body is God's masterpiece because of the uniqueness of its design and its ability to sustain and heal itself from within outward, when the way is clear for its normal expression.

To simplify this idea, the nervous system is to the body what the ignition system is to your car. It adds life or service as the case may be. The nervous system conveys sensation to the brain and responding mental impulses to all parts of the body which direct activity and function. Should nerve changes become blocked to a degree, life and function are also impaired resulting in dis-ease, want of ease, and need to be corrected.

"A proverb is a short sentence based on long experience."

Monday, February 23, 2015

Inner Space

We hear much talk about the conquest of outer space. It is amazing to look at the full moon and realize that men have walked on its surface and sent messages back to earth. What hath God wrought,  working through the genius of man!

Conquering outer space has its thrills. Expanding the resources of man and employing natural laws in a constructive way has been a proud achievement, but an even greater accomplishment is the conquest of inner space yet to be exploited.

The wonders that man has achieved in the past fifty years are astounding, but science tells us only the surface of scientific progress has been scratched. It is no secret that God can do through the inner ability of man when natural laws are harnessed for the accomplishment of good. It is equally true that misuse of ability can destroy the whole human race. As mankind sows, so will the harvest be.

What is the conquest of inner space? It is utilizing the ability of man for the common good instead of relying on outer forces for achievement.

Take the question of health, for instance. For thousands of years the conquest of disease has been made through the application of magic, superstition, and the use of drugs in various forms of medication; something to swallow, something to rub on, and remedies to be injected hypodermically. Failing in this method, surgery is resorted to and employed to cut out the diseased part. By these methods, some progress has been made, but often the side effects have marred the good that may have been done.

In 1895, Daniel David Palmer, a lay practitioner, advanced a different approach. He maintained that health, as other virtues, must come from within outward, through the conquest of inner space.

The anatomical study of man has reached the conclusion that all function comes from within outward and is manifest through the nervous system, with the spine being the distribution center of this great system.

By studying the spinal column one cab observe that the spine encases the spinal cord which encases the nerves from the brain. The spinal column provides openings between the vertebrae through which all nerve bundles emit before separating into countless fibers that form a direct contact from brain cells to tissue cells.

Further studies of the spine reveal that spinal shocks or strain can, and do, displace a vertebra to a degree so that nerves are "pinched". Nerve interference disturbs function, lowers resistance, and results in dis-ease with its various symptoms.

"To err is human but it takes a better excuse the second time."

Friday, February 20, 2015

Mandating Vaccines Not The Answer

The following professional editorial states the obvious common sense perspective from highly respected and informed Dr. Bob Sears, M.D. FAAP, based in Dana Point, CA.

Measles. It used to be just a disease. Now it's become a banner under which politicians gather to threaten our most sacred right to give informed consent for medical treatment.

Whether you are for vaccines, against them or neutral, ponder this question: Is vaccination a medical treatment which should fall under the protection informed consent or does the government have the right to force them on every American?

When I give patients the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine in my office, I follow the guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), which mandate that I provide informed consent. The American Medical Association describes it as a patient's right of self-decision and a basic policy in both ethic and law that physicians must honor.

If vaccines were harmless to every single person who received them, then I could understand putting this decision in the hands of our elected officials. But consider this:

  • Roughly 2,000 severe reactions are reported to the CDC each year, which result in prolonged hospitalization, permanent disability or death. Yet, because most can't be proven, the medical community denies that they can happen.
  • Over $3 billion has been paid out to victims of vaccine reactions. Are we paying that much money to victims of pretend reactions? I think not.
Your might think it's the actual measles outbreak that is responsible for the current political hysteria, But it is not.

Instead, it is an opportunistic attempt to overstate the dangers of what measles could potentially do to our nation. Let's look at the facts of the current outbreak:

  • As of Feb. 17, there are 141 cases nationwide. Not thousands. According to the Orange County Public Health Department, no new cases have been reported in O.C. since Feb. 4th.
  • After the initial surge, it is now moving slowly. It is not spreading like wildfire in an exponential explosion of unprecedented proportion.
  • Last year's 640 cases were an anomaly, because over 400 occurred in one Amish community in New York and over 100 cases hit an unvaccinated church community in Texas. But for the rest of highly vaccinated America, last year's measles was business as usual. This year we are off to a tough start, but it's slowing down.
  • It (measles) has killed no one. It can kill about one person in every 1,000 cases. Will someone die of measles in the United States someday? Maybe. But it hasn't killed anyone in the past 15 years or more.
  • It's measles. It's not the plague. It's not polio. It's not Ebola. We need something a lot more dangerous than that if we are going to rob each and every patient of the sacred right of informed consent.
Let's stop panicking over what measles might do and calmly examine what it is doing.

It has a small and intermittent presence in our country. It makes people sick, then they get over it. It has complications, but rarely so. Vaccination is important and protective. But it cannot be forced, a parent must give consent.

If you would rather make your own medical decisions within the sacred confines of the doctor-patient relationship, then let Sacramento know now.

Written by Dr. Bob Sears, M.D. FAAP, Pediatrician

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

How Beautiful The Sunrise

"How beautiful the sunrise!" How often you have heard this phrase before. But in reality, how often have you witnessed the sunrise? Perhaps your work schedule does not permit it, or the sunrise comes at the wrong time of the day, or it may be cloudy. There are any number of excuses, but guaranteed that at any time or place the sunrise is superb.

You might say that there is a lot of sameness in a sunrise; color, cloud effects, silhouettes of trees, birds singing, dogs barking, and even roosters crowing. Does this become commonplace after a time?

He who has eyes let him see; ears, let him hear; perception, let him perceive. Life is mostly what you make it or how you take it. Beauty is where you find it, whether you are asleep or awake. What does a sunrise mean to you? "As a man thinketh, so he is," or so he becomes. Isn't all this, in a manner of speaking, an element of the sunrise?

Look at it this way. A sunrise heralds another day, a day of opportunity, a period in which you can grow, a time when you can do things, a time when you can wake up and live, a time when you can be yourself, a truly interesting event. And if not, can you make it so? You are uniquely different from anyone else. Do you find joy in this fact? It is an opportunity in which to grow and change the world around you, or a time wherein you can be glum, or a time of beauty and gladness. Have you ever thought of that?

Do you enjoy eating? Why? Is it merely because the food tastes good? There must be a reason. Who knows? It's because you have an appetite, a desire to consume. In the process of eating all food is put through chemical changes, called digestion, by an intelligent reaction within your body directed and controlled by the nervous system. In the digestive process some of the food becomes waste material and is eliminated from the body through organs of elimination. The food retained is further changed and absorbed eventually becomes flesh, bones, blood, nerves, hair skin, and nails distributed in proper proportions to provide a normal, healthy body equivalent to a beautiful sunrise.

Sunrises are not all alike, but all serve a definite purpose. And all sunrises, in many different ways, are beautiful and wondrous, as is all nature ... because such is the kingdom of heaven.

Then we must consider the emotions and all things that enter into the elements that constitute the human body. Do you occasionally say that you sometimes feel glum, disgruntled, and negative in your reactions? Try seeing the beauty in the sunrise, as well as the sunset. Your emotions and feelings will tend to be uplifted, all of which tend to make life more beautiful.

"A man is poor not  because he has nothing, but because he does nothing."

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

6 Minute Workout

For those of you using excused that effective exercise takes too much time, try these eight exercises and decide for yourself. You may be pleased with the results and no longer complain.

Perform the following exercises consecutively for 30 seconds apiece, resting only to transition from one exercise to the next (15 seconds max). The only equipment you need: your body; a chair, box or other elevated surface; and a wall or flat vertical surface. The goal is to complete as many repetitions of each exercise within 30 seconds, but without sacrificing form or function. So do each exercise the right way as fast as you can. That means you avoid putting your neck, shoulders and back at risk; and make sure you're engaging the body parts that are supposed to be engaged (e.g., if you're doing bicycles – see exercise #6 below – and your neck hurts, you're doing something wrong).

1. Push-ups: Start with a basic move: the push-up. Do as many as you can with good form within 30 seconds. Good form means your elbows are approximately shoulder-width and your head / buttocks / feet are essentially aligned (no dipping, slumping or twisting). As you descend into each repetition, your elbows should bend back toward your feet, rather than out perpendicular to your body (which will engage your shoulders and risk injury). Keep your core (abs) tight throughout.

2. Plank: Speaking of your core, once 30 seconds has expired, transition from push-up position to plank position, which really means changing your point of contact with the floor from hands (push-ups) to forearms (plank). Bend your elbows to a 90 degree angle at approximately shoulder height and rest on your forearms for 30 seconds, holding your core tight. Again, avoid flexing your lower back, which could risk injury.

3. Wall squats: Transition from plank position to a wall squat, which is as simple as standing with your back against a wall and lowering yourself down until your knees are bent to a 70-degree angle or so with your body. Hold for 30 seconds. Avoid slumping your shoulders. Tighten your abs.

4. Triceps dips: Grab a chair (or use a similar firm surface that won't give way) and perform triceps dips for 30 seconds. Position yourself so you're facing away from the chair, etc., and support yourself with your hands (fingers facing forward). With arms extended completely, lower yourself by bending your elbows to a 90 degree angle and then raise yourself back up so your arms are extended again. The key here is to keep your elbows in a fixed position (except for their bending motion) so you work the triceps (the back of your upper arm).

5. Step-ups: Take that same chair / stable surface and transition into step-ups / step-downs. It's as easy as it sounds. Stand in front of the chair and step one foot up, then the second foot up, then the first foot down, then the second foot down; repeat for 30 seconds as quickly as you can. Keep your back straight and concentrate on the movement to avoid falling. Balance is more important than speed here.

6. Bicycles: Time to ride a bicycle for 30 seconds – without a bike! Lie on the floor, knees bent toward your chest, hands behind your neck for support (and to help engage the abdominals). Elevate your shoulders slightly off the floor and move your legs through a pedaling motion for 30 seconds and feel the burn in both the upper and lower abdominals. Avoid pulling on your neck with your hands; just keep them there for support.

7. Side planks – right side: Finish your 6-minute workout by assuming the plank position again, but instead of facing the floor, your starting position is one your side, supported by one elbow, with your elbow-side leg / foot supporting the other leg / foot. Rather than hold the position for 30 seconds, as in the original plank, lower your body slowly and deliberately (bending your side toward the floor and raising back up again). This not only works your core as you hold the pose, but specifically engages the obliques (what many refer to as love handles).

8. Side planks – left side: After you've done as many reps as you can in 30 seconds on the right side, switch sides (opposite elbow supporting your body) and repeat the process. Keep it up for 30 seconds, rest for another 15 seconds.

Eight exercises of 30 seconds each (4 minutes), with 15-second transitions / rests after each (2 minutes) Humor yourself and give it a try .... it works!

"Form the habit of singing; it soothes a tired mind and relaxes a tired body."

Monday, February 16, 2015

Victims Of Routine

Many people are victims of circumstances, victims of wind and weather, victims of flood and famine, of war and many other hazards. But, one of the worst is becoming the victim of routine?

What is routine? SAME STUFF, DIFFERENT DAY, pretty much defines the "beast". It's somewhat a habit, doing things in a constant way, adopting some regular mode of action in business or pleasure. "Pursuing a given course with little flexibility," states the dictionary.

What is wrong about that? Nothing really, unless the habit becomes static, unproductive, or stale.  I personally lived that scenario in business, and sadly also in my personal life for over 15 years. Going to my office, doing the same fixed tasks, and over time feeling sorry for myself because I was becoming a miserable failure after enjoying a once successful career. Then, change became apparent with my funds depleted and my practice seeing fewer and fewer patients. My routine was attempting to run a medical practice solo. I could not imagine doing anything else. My common sense was departing slowly and my health problems became a serious issue with trips to the emergency room.

It was then my life changed dramatically. I was evicted from my office of 27 years. With no money and no place to practice, Downtrodden, I felt sorry for myself and excused it me being the victim of misfortune. When in fact, I was totally responsible for all that occurred. I was a "victim of routine".

Discover good habits and you will find they aid in accomplishment, they guide you in a regular course, making things come easy or quickly, all to the good. More power to such a positive routine. That is exactly what I unearthed - good habits and a positive mental attitude. Both needed to succeed.

There is always chance of becoming a victim of negative routine, constantly doing things the hard way, being unwilling to change, holding fast to an antiquated pattern, giving too much attention to time consuming, unprofitable details. Such routine needs to be modified and brought up-to-date.

In a broader sense there is also routine in politics, in religion, and health methods. Voting for the same political party, regardless of policies, holding fast to one political group or to fixed methods. Religion likewise becomes more or less static with many people. Prayers are sometimes routine, asking the blessing is a good example. People in general follow fixed patterns; even the Lord's Prayer is more or less a matter of note without giving thought to it's true meaning. Have you thought of that?

And what about your health methods? What is your pattern when ill? Do you rely on aspirin, pain killers, anti-depressants shots, MLM products, vitamins, without thought about side effects and the consequences to your overall general health? Are you a victim of treatment routine?

"Think, for the mind tells the body what to do."

Monday, February 9, 2015

The End May Be Your New Beginning

Do you realize that what seems to be the end of the way in your life may very well be the beginning? You set a goal but it doesn't materialize. You have dreams for your life, but they have gone awry. Those whom you have trusted prove to be false. So you feel down and out. Where shall you go from here? What shall you do?

Get your butt up and start all over again. Set a new pattern. Use those shattered hopes as stepping stones to a new life. Sometimes the stone that the builders rejected in your life pattern becomes the head of the corner, to paraphrase a biblical term. Believe in yourself. You can do anything that you put your mind to. And, most of the time, do it better than before.

Has business failed to come your way? Has the career that you hopefully began crumbled and left you empty handed? Has your health broken down under the drain of living? Are you beginning to turn to drugs and pain killers? Are you depending more and more on sedatives?

THEN STOP! Change your course of living. There is a better way and a new help ahead. Wake up and live. Your health is independent on how you live and what you do with your life. Begin anew - you can do better. I have personally failed in business. And yet, I found the strength to dust myself off and begin anew, If it can work for this "old" man, it can work for you. Keep the faith and all things are possible.

So, if you are feeling bewildered and perhaps feel like quitting, don't. If you have reached that plateau, you may be approaching the new beginning in your life, but you must hang on.

Your health is a natural state of being that comes from within outward when nerve channels are clear and the life force within a normally expressed through the nervous system. The spine is the strength and support of the body. Take care of it! You only get one ....

"If you can take defeat sweetly, you are already on the high road to success."

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Take It Easy

Are you worried or perplexed? Do things seem to be going haywire in your life? Does the world seem to be upside down, and nothing like it used to be? Take it easy. Nothing is falling apart. Of course, nothing is quite like it once was, and to be honest, you wouldn't want it to be that way.

You want your children to grow up and to go to college. You want a better job, a better way of life and new opportunities. Well, take it easy. No good in this life can come about without change. The old must give way to the new, and subsequently upsetting old plans. Sometimes confusion can take place in ushering in the new good, often times making things change with as little conflict as possible. Isn't that what you really want?

Well, take it easy. Change must come from within you, from how you take it, from what you give, from how you think, and what you do about that much needed change. Think about it.

But you can't do everything. You cannot stop war, you cannot bring peace, you cannot even make people think the way you do, or even change their attitudes. Well, of course not, so take it easy. Maybe you are not altogether right all the time. You and your relationships with others may need to change. Jesus said, "Love one another as I have loved you ... Love your neighbor as yourself." Have you analyzed yourself in regards to that great quote? Remember, sometimes you could very well be wrong.

You might think that is beside the point. You can't create jobs, you can't keep spending when you have nothing to spend. You can't go deeper and deeper in debt as the government is doing.You can't keep borrowing and pay it back with taxes. So. you just keep borrowing and worrying about your debts. When is it all going to end? And suppose you get sick. How can you pay the doctor?

Take it easy. Do you realize that illness comes from within and that health, likewise, comes from within outward. This happens when you are in tune with the natural laws of life, providing you avoid negative thinking that ultimately upsets the balance of everything.

What are you doing about your health? Are you depending upon shots, aspirin, tranquilizers and pain killers? Does this method make any credible sense? Have you ever considered Chiropractic as a logical way to health, minus the use of drugs and surgery?

 Take it easy, give much needed attention to your spine, and live a more abundant life.

"When we were borrowing customs from older nations, who was the idiot who passed up the siesta."

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Look For The Good

No matter how dark the day, or how uncertain the future, there is always good to be found somewhere. Observe and look for the good. Be optimistic and use whatever good you find as a steppingstone to something better.

Regardless of how surly an individual may appear to be, that person has their good qualities. Praise them. Let them know you admire within them that which is good, and they may be encouraged to respond in kind.

The same diplomacy applies to nations. People are not all bad, in fact most people are good, even as we think we are. Circumstances, education and environment make the significant difference.

As a result of fear propaganda, nations may be moved to the brink of war, as we are now witnessing. There may appear to be no outlet short of conflict,,but when we appeal to the good in man, the whole atmosphere may change. No peace can come until this factor is employed. Why not use it first, before war and its destruction have taken their toll. Sadly, there is evil in this world that no diplomacy can cure. This we bear witness to daily, and we as individuals suffer the emotional and physical trauma.

When your neighbor, or someone within your organization, or even a member of your own family, is out of sorts and cross, look for the good in them. Perhaps they are ill, or there is illness within their family or group. Attempt to be of help. Be a good Samaritan ... it works!

When you are sick, are you not also inclined to be crass, short spoken and a bit irritable? There is always good within you. Don't let your feelings get you down. Find something to remove that frown and you will feel better. Most people, including myself, will exercise those "demons" away. Exercise is great medicine. Drugs are a shortcut to failure within the mind and body. Junk food is another culprit which the mind craves when you're down and out of sorts.

What is disease? Is dis-ease not want of ease? What is ease? Is it not a condition wherein function is normal? What does abnormal mean? Does it not imply that glands, organs and muscle are not functioning as they should? What regulates function? We must seek the basic cause, the source, the good, and the normal.

Emotions play an important role in life and function. As you think, so you are, to some extent. Thinking brings out the good or the evil. However, actual bodily function is regulated and controlled through the nervous system. Locating and correcting the spinal cause of disease is important, so that health returns naturally, and will bring about a more abundant life.

"Life is what you make it, and what you make it often depends on that you make."

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Take A Good Look At Yourself

Did you ever become aware of a self-image, in particular, your self-image? If so, what do you see - success or failure? The image you keep before you determines your future. The Late Dr. Harry Fosdick put it way":
   "Hold a picture of yourself long enough and steady enough in your mind's eye and you are drawn to it." Jesus confirmed this stating, "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he."

How true this is. One tends to achieve the thing that is clearly visualized. Golfers state, "Keep your eye on the ball. See its course as you prepare to putt; then transfer thought into action."

Reverend Harleigh Rosenberger observed, "The person who pictures himself as a failure will fail. the one who sees himself as a success will succeed." This being true, keep your vision clear and work toward your coveted goal.

Parents often unconsciously contribute toward their children's failure in school by nagging at them because of poor grades instead of praising the child for their good points. Never, ever say in the presence of a child that he or she is a poor scholar. Praise their good qualities and say, "now let's work a little harder to bring up the poor grades." Impress upon any person what they can become and they will make a greater effort to reach that goal. You are in the same class whether you realize it or not.

Perhaps you will say ill health is your stumbling block that keeps you down. Ill health may contribute to some degree your shortcoming, but bear in mind that picturing ill health sets up a wrong standard. The emotions are quick to pick it up and unconsciously influence the state of your health. For that very reason, keep your emotions under control.

There is another factor, however, that may be basic in relation to your health problem. That factor is your spine and nervous system. Had you thought of that? When you finally realize that pain killers and aspirin will not reach the cause of your problem, consult a chiropractor and perhaps in a very short time you will be well again and enjoying a more abundant life.

"You may drift into hell, but you must choose to row into Heaven."