Early in the history of our race, men became tillers of the soil. They had to in order to sustain life.
Perhaps in the beginning men were hunters and gatherers, while women were the first gardeners. Domestication of cattle and other animals, plus tilling the soil made possible all future advancement. It forced men to invent tools for working the land as well as harvesting the crops. This also created other industries.
The possession of land was the beginning of wealth, and perhaps slavery (both black and white), for land without labor was useless. Title deeds to land made the owners master of all they could possess. Possession and conquest lead to wars and trained soldiers or guardsmen to maintain control. The history of the race has many scars and many aggressive deeds that mar the higher ideals of man.
Ownership of a home with a little land to till makes every family feel fulfilled and is a step toward happiness. An ironic quote: "Only he knows perfect joy, whose little bit of soil is richer ground than what it was when he began to toil."
Growing things that are good to eat gives to life its greatest reward and makes one proud of what he has done to make this axiom true.
When this great nation was young, 80% of its people lived on farms and tilled the soil. As time has gone on, the percentage has reversed and now the majority of the newer generations live in cities. Often, in congested areas, crime and moral decline are making inroads in our nation and world that is very disturbing.
Another thing is also true. The health of the nation has suffered in various ways. Hypertension, nervous breakdowns, gastric ulcers, headaches, and other symptoms are marring life and leading to dangerous drug habits, encouraged by doctors with liberal prescription pads. Thus, pain killers, pep pills and other "prescription" drugs are too frequently used resulting in dangerous side effects. This being true, what is the way out?
Try living your life naturally. Do a better way of regaining health without the use of drugs. The body is God's masterpiece because of the uniqueness of its design and its ability to sustain and heal itself from within outward, when the way is clear for its normal expression.
To simplify this idea, the nervous system is to the body what the ignition system is to your car. It adds life or service as the case may be. The nervous system conveys sensation to the brain and responding mental impulses to all parts of the body which direct activity and function. Should nerve changes become blocked to a degree, life and function are also impaired resulting in dis-ease, want of ease, and need to be corrected.
"A proverb is a short sentence based on long experience."