Monday, February 23, 2015

Inner Space

We hear much talk about the conquest of outer space. It is amazing to look at the full moon and realize that men have walked on its surface and sent messages back to earth. What hath God wrought,  working through the genius of man!

Conquering outer space has its thrills. Expanding the resources of man and employing natural laws in a constructive way has been a proud achievement, but an even greater accomplishment is the conquest of inner space yet to be exploited.

The wonders that man has achieved in the past fifty years are astounding, but science tells us only the surface of scientific progress has been scratched. It is no secret that God can do through the inner ability of man when natural laws are harnessed for the accomplishment of good. It is equally true that misuse of ability can destroy the whole human race. As mankind sows, so will the harvest be.

What is the conquest of inner space? It is utilizing the ability of man for the common good instead of relying on outer forces for achievement.

Take the question of health, for instance. For thousands of years the conquest of disease has been made through the application of magic, superstition, and the use of drugs in various forms of medication; something to swallow, something to rub on, and remedies to be injected hypodermically. Failing in this method, surgery is resorted to and employed to cut out the diseased part. By these methods, some progress has been made, but often the side effects have marred the good that may have been done.

In 1895, Daniel David Palmer, a lay practitioner, advanced a different approach. He maintained that health, as other virtues, must come from within outward, through the conquest of inner space.

The anatomical study of man has reached the conclusion that all function comes from within outward and is manifest through the nervous system, with the spine being the distribution center of this great system.

By studying the spinal column one cab observe that the spine encases the spinal cord which encases the nerves from the brain. The spinal column provides openings between the vertebrae through which all nerve bundles emit before separating into countless fibers that form a direct contact from brain cells to tissue cells.

Further studies of the spine reveal that spinal shocks or strain can, and do, displace a vertebra to a degree so that nerves are "pinched". Nerve interference disturbs function, lowers resistance, and results in dis-ease with its various symptoms.

"To err is human but it takes a better excuse the second time."

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