Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Look For The Good

No matter how dark the day, or how uncertain the future, there is always good to be found somewhere. Observe and look for the good. Be optimistic and use whatever good you find as a steppingstone to something better.

Regardless of how surly an individual may appear to be, that person has their good qualities. Praise them. Let them know you admire within them that which is good, and they may be encouraged to respond in kind.

The same diplomacy applies to nations. People are not all bad, in fact most people are good, even as we think we are. Circumstances, education and environment make the significant difference.

As a result of fear propaganda, nations may be moved to the brink of war, as we are now witnessing. There may appear to be no outlet short of conflict,,but when we appeal to the good in man, the whole atmosphere may change. No peace can come until this factor is employed. Why not use it first, before war and its destruction have taken their toll. Sadly, there is evil in this world that no diplomacy can cure. This we bear witness to daily, and we as individuals suffer the emotional and physical trauma.

When your neighbor, or someone within your organization, or even a member of your own family, is out of sorts and cross, look for the good in them. Perhaps they are ill, or there is illness within their family or group. Attempt to be of help. Be a good Samaritan ... it works!

When you are sick, are you not also inclined to be crass, short spoken and a bit irritable? There is always good within you. Don't let your feelings get you down. Find something to remove that frown and you will feel better. Most people, including myself, will exercise those "demons" away. Exercise is great medicine. Drugs are a shortcut to failure within the mind and body. Junk food is another culprit which the mind craves when you're down and out of sorts.

What is disease? Is dis-ease not want of ease? What is ease? Is it not a condition wherein function is normal? What does abnormal mean? Does it not imply that glands, organs and muscle are not functioning as they should? What regulates function? We must seek the basic cause, the source, the good, and the normal.

Emotions play an important role in life and function. As you think, so you are, to some extent. Thinking brings out the good or the evil. However, actual bodily function is regulated and controlled through the nervous system. Locating and correcting the spinal cause of disease is important, so that health returns naturally, and will bring about a more abundant life.

"Life is what you make it, and what you make it often depends on that you make."

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