Get your butt up and start all over again. Set a new pattern. Use those shattered hopes as stepping stones to a new life. Sometimes the stone that the builders rejected in your life pattern becomes the head of the corner, to paraphrase a biblical term. Believe in yourself. You can do anything that you put your mind to. And, most of the time, do it better than before.
Has business failed to come your way? Has the career that you hopefully began crumbled and left you empty handed? Has your health broken down under the drain of living? Are you beginning to turn to drugs and pain killers? Are you depending more and more on sedatives?
THEN STOP! Change your course of living. There is a better way and a new help ahead. Wake up and live. Your health is independent on how you live and what you do with your life. Begin anew - you can do better. I have personally failed in business. And yet, I found the strength to dust myself off and begin anew, If it can work for this "old" man, it can work for you. Keep the faith and all things are possible.
So, if you are feeling bewildered and perhaps feel like quitting, don't. If you have reached that plateau, you may be approaching the new beginning in your life, but you must hang on.
Your health is a natural state of being that comes from within outward when nerve channels are clear and the life force within a normally expressed through the nervous system. The spine is the strength and support of the body. Take care of it! You only get one ....
"If you can take defeat sweetly, you are already on the high road to success."
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