Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Time Marches On

Yes, it is true, time is not with us long. Some say that time marches on, others that it flies by. Regardless of the term employed, time is not here long, it is fleeting. No one can deny this absolute truth. So, if you have things to do, do them now. Put your hand upon the plow and don't look back, to quote the Bible. The time embracing yesterday is gone forever. the time ascribed for tomorrow is not yet here. Do things now. You have nothing to fear unless you procrastinate regarding time which is life, but soon is no more. Whatever you have to do, do it now. Keep on keeping on is a wise thing to do.

Be on your guard. Time is a priceless gift; yours to sow and to reap; yours to use but not to keep.

Do things well, do your best work better. Be certain of yourself, be proud of your chance to win, and time will help you on the way with faith increasing once you begin.

Never give up! There may be hills and mountains to climb. There may be detours to slow you down, but time is yours to use. Use it with a smile, and it will help you mile after mile.

Perhaps you will say that time gave you little chance to win. Ill health has been constantly a hurdle all along the way. What can you do under such circumstances? What are the doing?

Please consider this. Disease is only the absence of ease. Health, like other virtues, comes from within outward when the way is clear for the normal expression of life through the nervous system.

The spinal column is the strength and support of the body. The nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord plus spinal nerve fibers. This makes the spinal column the distributing center of the entire nervous system. Through this medium is served every function of the body; heart, lungs, stomach, muscles, and the relationships vital in every way.

Time marches on, time becomes life, and time is life in every respect. Be healthy, both in mind and body.

Friday, March 13, 2015

What Can You Do?

When problems arise, as they always will, do you sometimes wonder what you should do to continue to follow the straight and narrow path? A mature and logical answer is to just use common sense.

But, a problem may still arise. What is common sense? Where can you find common sense? Are you wise enough to recognize common sense? Or, do you stumble upon it along your path? Is the message always clear? Are you still deep in the mire and muck?

The first thing to do is to sincerely ask yourself what you shall do. If the problem is one of a  relationship with someone else, care should be utilized. And if you were to reverse places, what course would you take? The answer is to do unto others as you wish to be done by them. Where does that leave you? Still in a quandary? Perhaps. Yet doing unto others as you wish to be done by them is a familiar teaching from the Bible. Why not turn to this source for more answers?

You may reply that even so, there are contradictions and errors in this source. What of it? Is there anyone or anything that is perfect? The Bible tells it like it is. Seek the best and do your best on all occasions and you can't go wrong. You should be able to do that. The question ... will you? Remember that life provides one specific - as you sow, you also reap. Reap a harvest of life!

"Walk ..... don't run, and enjoy the journey"

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Sowing Seeds of Happiness

When you want to grow something in your garden you prepare the soil and sow the sees of what you desire.

Life is like that. You get back what you give. The yield is measured by the care, the nourishment, and the cultivation you employ.

Cultivation is important. You must nurture friendship and love. You must cultivate honesty, trust and good will. You must likewise cultivate happiness.

It is said that joy is not in things, it is in us. Happiness is the product of right thinking and right action. There is no human being in the world who cannot be happy by complying with the laws that produce happiness. Happiness is a product that comes back to us from what we send out; no one ever found happiness who did not manufacture it for themselves. It is a product of and/or mental attitude toward others.

This applies to civil rights, equal justice, square dealing and all public relations. Sometimes issues have to be forced. Those in control must sometimes be dethroned and made to concede the right of others. Even so, good will and happiness can come only when love, kindness, and the Golden Rule are practiced.

Happiness is sometimes measured by the state of your health. But here again, health is not a thing apart that can be bought and sold. You can't buy health in a bottle at the drug store. You can't have health injected with a needle or grafted on by surgery. Health, like happiness, comes from within. You have to be in tune with its laws emotionally and physically. There is no other way.

Of course, you can employ drugs to numb the nerves and ease pain or to even make you sleep. However, that cannot be defined as health. Such methods set a false standard because they correct no cause of dis-ease. Such a course is like building a house on sand; it is not stable and likewise nerves until the proper foundation is laid.

To have complete health, emotions must be under control. You cannot expect true health or happiness when you are filled with hate, resentment, and jealousy. Nor will health abide in a worried, fearful mind. Be the captain of your soul and keep emotions under control.

The other most important factor is to keep your spine in adjustment so the nervous system will be unimpaired. Every function of the body depends upon its nerve supple for which the spine is the distributing center of the entire nervous system.

"I am old, I am bent, I am cheated,
      Of all that youth urged me to win;
But name me not with the defeated,
      Tomorrow again I begin."

Friday, March 6, 2015

Bed-Wetting aka Enuresis

Many times parents actually blame their child for urinating in bed. They believe this is a behavior intended to get back at them for something. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Children do not willfully wet their beds. The anguish of the young child who wets the bed at night is a personal nightmare! He cannot go to camp, stay over night at his friend's house, or go on trips without the constant fear of the wet bed in the morning. Psychologically the bed wetting child bears a burden, but so does the mother. The constant changing of bed linens is certainly a chore she would like to put behind her.

Is there anything that can be done for bed-wetting? This is a question parents sometimes ask of the chiropractor. Usually, this question is asked when other methods of treatment have been tried and found ineffective.

Bed-wetting (enuresis) is another of the many reasons why parents bring their children to see the chiropractor. What can the doctor of chiropractic do for this problem? The phrenic nerve and the sacral nerves must be addressed.

The phrenic nerves come out from between the 3rd, 4th and 5th cervical (neck) vertebra. Subluxation of these vertebrae can cause nerve interference, which can disturb the proper function of the phrenic reflex and cause bed wetting. Chiropractors correct vertebral subluxations, and thus influence the return of proper nerve function.

Most children wet the bed for the first few years of life, but by the age of 4 to 5 years old, most children should be able to establish proper bladder control. Enuresis refers to the inability of a child to establish this proper bladder control resulting in either daytime or nocturnal involuntary urination.

Just what causes Nocturnal Enuresis (bed wetting) and is there any help for this problem? Yes, there is and to explain why children wet the bed we must understand a spinal reflex called the phrenic reflex. You see, when a baby sleeps, its respiration (breathing) gets slower and slower until a mother might bend over the crib and be concerned, Eventually the breathing normalizes.

This pattern of breathing goes on throughout the night. As the infant sleeps respiration continues to slow down until the carbon dioxide in the body gets high enough to trigger a breathing mechanism called the phrenic reflex. This mechanism stimulates the large muscle of breathing, the diaphragm, to increased activity and the normal rhythm of breathing returns. If this mechanism is not working correctly, the carbon dioxide continues to increase and when it gets too high, “smooth” muscles begin to relax. Smooth muscles are the involuntary muscles of the body, those that function without our conscious control. The valve at the bottom of the urinary bladder is a smooth muscle, and when it relaxes the bladder simply does not retain its fluid, you might say it leaks throughout the night.

This is normal for infants, as the phrenic reflex is not fully developed at birth, but as the child grows, the reflex matures and soon most children can sleep all night and retain their urine. This reflex develops more slowly in boys, in the same way that boys mature sexually later than girls, and thus boys are more frequent bed wetters.

Primary enuresis occurs in a child over five years of age, who has never been able to establish proper bladder control. Secondary enuresis is the diagnosis for the child who has been able to establish proper bladder control, but who has since lapsed back to wetting the bed. Occasionally a pathological mechanism such as neurogenic bladder may be responsible, but usually no such cause can be identified.

In most cases, bed-wetting is considered as just an unfortunate childhood problem, and no outside treatment is sought. The parents are frequently prepared to simply wait until the child grows out of it, and in most cases these problems go untreated. A bed wetting child is typically a very active child, often playing to exhaustion and when at sleep, sleeping in a very deep slumber with slow respiration. The child's sluggish, or immature phrenic reflex allows too much carbon dioxide to build up in the system. The bladder valve (sphincter)relaxes, and the bladder leaks throughout the night. No, the child does not voluntarily urinate in bed. The urine simply runs out involuntarily while he sleeps.

The traditional chiropractic approach to treating the child who is a bed-wetter is to adjust the spine, usually in the area of the lumbar spine or sacrum. A review of the anatomy and physiology of the bladder may help us understand why these areas are chosen as the prime target.

Bladder Anatomy and Physiology
Emptying of the urinary bladder is controlled by the detrusor and trigone muscles. The nerve supply to these muscles is via the sacral parasympathetic nerves from S2 to S4.

Appropriate bladder function is also controlled by the urogenital diaphragm which derives its nerve supply from the L2 spinal nerve.

Development of the Sacrum
The sacrum (or tailbone) develops as five separate segments. These segments remain separated until a child reaches puberty, at which time fusion of one sacral segment to another commences. Eventually, the sacrum will be one single bone with all five segments fused together, but this does not occur until the mid-20s.

Because the sacrum consists of separate segments during the early years of life, it is possible that misalignment of these segments can cause nerve irritation or facilitation. This nerve facilitation, especially to the area of the bladder, may be the cause of the inappropriate bladder function associated with bed-wetting.

As we have seen, the developing sacrum in the early childhood years remains highly mobile, existing as separate spinal segments. During this period, the sacrum can be subjected to repeated trauma from childhood falls and the early attempts at walking. This early trauma to the sacrum may be the major reason why bed-wetting in some patients ceases after the spine is adjusted.

Is the Spine the Cause of all Enuresis?
Adjustment of the sacral segments in the bed-wetter has an anecdotal history of effectiveness throughout the years. Bed-wetting is due to several causes, one of which is spine related. Children with a spinal cause respond while those with other causes of bed-wetting do not.

The conclusion would therefore appear to be to have all children who are bed-wetters evaluated for the possibility of spinal problems as the underlying cause.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Try A Little Kindness

Did you ever arise one morning when everything started off wrong? You simply felt like blowing your top. What's the use? Will one more uttered growl help? Why not try a little kindness? Smile, say a pleasant word as a starter, and keep it up all day. Spread a little sunshine along the way and the first thing you know your day will be brighter and your heart will be lighter. Laugh whenever you can and all will be well. Kindness and happiness start with you, so keep the idea clear and true.

Perhaps you will say you don't feel well. You have a headache or indigestion or you had a miserable night. Drinking and walking can create a bruised ego, should you not take proper care.  Is that not a legitimate excuse for being grumpy? It is an excuse all right, but why depend upon excuses? Why not find and correct the cause of the headache, or indigestion, or ill feeling and provide a better excuse for living? A much better course of action.

Bear in mind that a headache is a symptom of something being wrong with the body. So are indigestion, aches and pains, all produce a miserable feeling. What is health? It is basically a state of normal bodily function and activity, and an expression of life and well-being. Thus enabling your outlook on life being one of sunshine instead of rain?

What about indigestion? Digestion is a process of chemistry within your body that transforms the food you consume into usable form so that it actually becomes a part of the living body. "In" is a prefix meaning "not." Therefore, when digestion is not complete or not normal, so you have "indigestion."

And what about a headache? That, as stated above, is a symptom wherein you feel pain within the head and neck, indication that all is not well somewhere in your body. That report is then manifested by pain of one kind or another. It may be a throbbing headache, a sick or a tension headache. It may accompany indigestion, constipation, menstruation, or other health problems.

What can be done about the ache? Medically, there are many forms of treatment to numb or ease the pain, none of which heals or cures the disease that accompanies the headache. What then, is best to do? The ache is a warning that something is wrong, a warning that the problem should be corrected by finding and removing the cause instead of merely numbing the effect. The cause sends a communication to the brain and the responding mental impulses of life energy and stirs glands and organs to constructive action and function, that constitute a state of health.

Try the kindness of chiropractic health care. Then perhaps your improved health and emotions will help you to express kindness in all your human relationships.

"Some people are so busy learning the tricks of the trade, they don't learn the trade."