Friday, March 13, 2015

What Can You Do?

When problems arise, as they always will, do you sometimes wonder what you should do to continue to follow the straight and narrow path? A mature and logical answer is to just use common sense.

But, a problem may still arise. What is common sense? Where can you find common sense? Are you wise enough to recognize common sense? Or, do you stumble upon it along your path? Is the message always clear? Are you still deep in the mire and muck?

The first thing to do is to sincerely ask yourself what you shall do. If the problem is one of a  relationship with someone else, care should be utilized. And if you were to reverse places, what course would you take? The answer is to do unto others as you wish to be done by them. Where does that leave you? Still in a quandary? Perhaps. Yet doing unto others as you wish to be done by them is a familiar teaching from the Bible. Why not turn to this source for more answers?

You may reply that even so, there are contradictions and errors in this source. What of it? Is there anyone or anything that is perfect? The Bible tells it like it is. Seek the best and do your best on all occasions and you can't go wrong. You should be able to do that. The question ... will you? Remember that life provides one specific - as you sow, you also reap. Reap a harvest of life!

"Walk ..... don't run, and enjoy the journey"

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