Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Sowing Seeds of Happiness

When you want to grow something in your garden you prepare the soil and sow the sees of what you desire.

Life is like that. You get back what you give. The yield is measured by the care, the nourishment, and the cultivation you employ.

Cultivation is important. You must nurture friendship and love. You must cultivate honesty, trust and good will. You must likewise cultivate happiness.

It is said that joy is not in things, it is in us. Happiness is the product of right thinking and right action. There is no human being in the world who cannot be happy by complying with the laws that produce happiness. Happiness is a product that comes back to us from what we send out; no one ever found happiness who did not manufacture it for themselves. It is a product of and/or mental attitude toward others.

This applies to civil rights, equal justice, square dealing and all public relations. Sometimes issues have to be forced. Those in control must sometimes be dethroned and made to concede the right of others. Even so, good will and happiness can come only when love, kindness, and the Golden Rule are practiced.

Happiness is sometimes measured by the state of your health. But here again, health is not a thing apart that can be bought and sold. You can't buy health in a bottle at the drug store. You can't have health injected with a needle or grafted on by surgery. Health, like happiness, comes from within. You have to be in tune with its laws emotionally and physically. There is no other way.

Of course, you can employ drugs to numb the nerves and ease pain or to even make you sleep. However, that cannot be defined as health. Such methods set a false standard because they correct no cause of dis-ease. Such a course is like building a house on sand; it is not stable and likewise nerves until the proper foundation is laid.

To have complete health, emotions must be under control. You cannot expect true health or happiness when you are filled with hate, resentment, and jealousy. Nor will health abide in a worried, fearful mind. Be the captain of your soul and keep emotions under control.

The other most important factor is to keep your spine in adjustment so the nervous system will be unimpaired. Every function of the body depends upon its nerve supple for which the spine is the distributing center of the entire nervous system.

"I am old, I am bent, I am cheated,
      Of all that youth urged me to win;
But name me not with the defeated,
      Tomorrow again I begin."

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