Wednesday, May 7, 2014

A Perfect Pattern

What is essential for a perfect fit, a pleasing style, and happy results? The answer is to have an excellent pattern to go by.

In building a house, creating a new invention, or accomplishing anything in life, a good idea and a perfect plan are essential for best results.

This fact holds true in everything. It is especially true in creating your life's pattern or reaching a higher goal, or being your better self which is a worthy ambition that you should always strive to attain.

Of course perfection is seldom reached. But, it is something to shoot for and there is great satisfaction in almost reaching your objective. Anything less than your best is unworthy. You have to think high to rise, and this is very true if you expect to win the prize.

Perhaps you will say your handicap in life is ill health, that you live on aspirins and other drugs you have been prescribed by doctors.

No wonder you have health problems. Can you expect great good from a wrong course? Can there be anything near perfection in a pattern unsound in principle? Drugs merely blind you to effect and actually correct nothing. Perhaps you realize this but continue to rationalize, "What can I do? I must have relief."

Look at it this way. Your body has been called God's masterpiece because of its marvelous design. Consider the dexterity of the hands and fingers. The marvel of sight and hearing, the beauty of form. The miracle of thought and memory, the wonders of digestion which is the changing of common food into living, loving flesh, blood and bones, hair, skin and nails. Also consider the additional fact of the healing of injuries or diseases and the supplying of nourishment when and where needed. These represent perfection to the highest degree. Had you thought of that?

But, you still may continue to protest that your body is out of tune with nature's plan. What can you do about it? The pattern may be perfect, but what about the means of keeping it so? What is it that directs and controls all bodily function? This is done through the nervous system. The nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord plus its bundles of spinal nerves that emit from openings between the vertebrae. In this masterful arrangement the spinal column encases the spinal cord. Through these openings nerve bundles emit before separating into countless tiny fibers that form a direct medium of contact between the brain cells and tissue cells.

Through this medium, all sensation is communicated to the brain where the message in interpreted and responding mental impulses direct and control all bodily activity, in a normal state of health. But sometimes due to spinal strain due to postural difficulties, or from accident related trauma, a vertebrae may be displaced to a degree so that nerves are "pinched". That disturbs function, lowers resistance, and results in dis-ease, with its various symptoms which may induce you to employ pain killers and kindred methods to reduce pain.

There is a better way! Clearly, a natural methodology would be the utilization of chiropractic to restore a more perfect pattern. This is done by hand only, to correct the cause thus opening the way toward better health and a more abundant and higher
quality of life.

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