Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Day After Day

So that's the way it is, day after day. Little change in the weather, little change in everything around you. Repeating the same events gets to be monotony until one feels like he could pout, but even that would soon become a rout. Is there anything to do that would change the world about for both you and me?

Yes! Things do change in due time; however it is up to you to set things in motion and start the way up or down so that you no longer wear a frown. Wake up and live. After all, major changes are up to you.

With that said, what is your problem? Has business gone flat? Is your health below par? You certainly can do better, whoever you might be.

Smile! You might even be one television one day. Be receptive to change, do something to make things come alive. because as you sow, so shall you reap ... good or bad. You are the captain of your soul. By constructive actions you will soon have things under control.

Do you believe your health is below par, that perhaps you have a headache, that you are so nervous you could scream? So.... go ahead and scream! Doing so would surely set things in motion. And you can expect to laugh or cry. Of course no one would like to see you cry, and laughing could become monotonous or even ridiculous in time. Nevertheless, it would change things. Thus, begin anew and do something different. Most importantly, what you choose is totally up to you. There is always an outcome of each decision you make.

If ill health is your problem, what are you doing about it? Are you depending upon shots, pills, and/or other drugs. How's that working out for you? Try something different. Think! What is health? Where does it come from? Remember and know that health comes from above, downward, within and outward. Therefore, change is your logical approach. If disease of any nature perplexes you, do something to get rid of the "dis" and retain the "ease." It's really that simple!

In due time, and making the correct decisions, your problems change and health returns from within outward without drugs or surgery.

"Keep it simple, travel on your journey through life...
 with just enough baggage"

Monday, June 29, 2015

Pain In The Forecast

Obviously, the most accurate method of predicting storms is to see how full the waiting room is. But why do some people seem to be able to predict coming rains based on their aches and pains?
It's true that many people with back pain, neck pain or other joint complaints are often surprisingly accurate in predicting when storms are approaching, and believe it or not, there is some validity to their weather forecasting abilities.
The phenomenon is nothing new. As early as the 5th century B.C., Hippocrates suggested many illnesses were related to changes in the weather. Since then, a number of musculoskeletal disorders have been identified as being especially sensitive to changing weather conditions, including osteoarthritis, tension headaches, back pain and fibromyalgia.
A variety of meteorologic factors have been suggested as the culprit, including temperature, precipitation, humidity, thunderstorms and increased ionization of the air. But while reliable conclusions about the link between weather and musculoskeletal pain have yet to be established due to the lack of controlled studies, most research points to the lowered atmospheric barometric pressure that often precedes storms and other weather changes.
In one of the first empirical studies on the effect of weather on joint pain, published in 2010 by the International Journal of Biometeorology, researchers established a direct connection between low barometric pressure, inflammation and joint pain in rats. For the study, scientists artificially produced a state of chronic inflammation in the feet of lab rats, mimicking the clinical features of neuropathic pain in humans. When the rats were placed in a low-pressure environment, they exhibited signs of exacerbated foot joint pain not seen in their control counterparts.
Additional research has demonstrated the same phenomenon occurs in humans. For instance, a 2002 study from the Journal of Spinal Disorders and Techniques concluded that "back pain may be aggravated by atmosphere depression in patients with lumbar disc disease." And a 2007 study from the American Journal of Medicine determined that "changes in barometric pressure are independently associated with osteoarthritis knee pain severity."
Various mechanisms have been proposed to account for this relationship, but the most likely explanation involves the expansion of fluid in swollen joints following fluctuations in barometric pressure. Inflammation due to dysfunction, disease or injury will lead to swelling in and surrounding a joint. Because materials of varying densities are affected differently by pressure changes, drops in barometric pressure expand this extra fluid more than the muscle, ligaments and connective tissue that make up the joint capsule, stretching sensitized tissues and activating a nociceptive (pain) response.
A good illustration for the layperson is a balloon in a barometric chamber. If the pressure outside the balloon drops, the air on the inside expands and stretches the walls of the balloon. When the same happens to a swollen joint, the expansion stretches soft tissue, irritates nerve endings and causes pain.
It's important to note that this contraction and expansion of excess fluid in joints is happening on such a small scale that it cannot be quantified by any scientific means and the process is therefore entirely theoretical. But whatever the mechanism, the takeaway is that some degree of inflammation must already exist, whether we are aware of it or not, for barometric pressure changes to lead to joint pain. Weather changes can't cause pain by themselves; they can only exacerbate inflammation that's already there. After all, not everyone experiences pain when a storm is brewing, and those who do don't experience pain in every joint.
It really drives home what chiropractors have been saying for decades: The absence of pain isn't the same as good health! So while there's validity to the idea of "aches and pains mean coming rains," anticipation of weather changes shouldn't interfere with patients' motivation to decrease underlying inflammation with the things they actually can control. Sunny days ahead are no substitution for proper exercise, good diet and supplementation, and regular chiropractic care.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Fear As A Weapon

When I was a child and viewed my first horror movies, it introduced a fear syndrome of night ghouls and dreams that were not of my liking. I was convinced there were creatures lurking about waiting to do me harm. Yes, this is perhaps the "boogeyman" caution we face once we're introduced to the unknown. Innocent enough, I then began to sleep with my door partially open and asked for a nightlight.

I slowly learned the lessons regarding those fears of the unknown. One, was NOT to watch scary movies prior to bed, and two, doors left open and light does not allow for good sleep habits.

Mark Twain stated, "Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not absence of fear."

All the above introduces the pandemic fears of today. Things like the possible Avian Flu Pandemic. This fear has prompted a mass buying spree of antiviral medications from pharmacy shelves and a mad scramble for a vaccine against the H5N1 Avian Flu strain. The Avian flu has been around since 1961 and has had various outbreaks in bird populations many times between then and now. Since 1997 there have been several cases of bird flu in humans with exposure to infected birds such as chicken farmers, but no confirmed cases of human to human transmission. Disease pandemics occur worldwide about once every 25-30 years and with the last one being the 1918 flu pandemic.

So if it's only obtainable from exposure to infected birds, why the fear of a pandemic? The answer is called antigenic drift and genetic reassortment. All viruses randomly mutate (antigenic drift) and the fear is that one of these random mutations will allow the strain to be transferable between humans. The other side of the coin is that viruses routinely trade useful bits of DNA (genetic reassortment) kind of like a viral flea market. The fear here being that the bird flu strain will find a flea market stall with the DNA strand that allows it to transfer between humans and bamm......... pandemic.

So why all the government attention to it now? Some say it's because part of the $2 billion dollars it would take to stockpile Tamiflu against a pandemic would go into the pocket of the company that developed it. Always follow the money!

So there is a legitimate fear, but fear should be a tool for preparedness not a weapon for panic. So how do we defend ourselves?

Well, first off, know that flu vaccine offers NO defense against the avian flu. Should you get a flu shot? You decide, but if you do, ask for the mercury free vaccine. And, remember that the best defense against any disease is a healthy immune system. Different ways to boost immune system function include nutrition, exercise, hygiene, rest, washing hands etc. Rather obvious; DON'T PICK UP BIRD FEATHERS YOU MIGHT FIND ON THE GROUND!

In conclusion, don't let the government use fear as a weapon to panic you into rash decisions. Relax, do your homework on the Bird flu, investigate objectively vaccines AND, boost your immune system to fight whatever comes along.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

The Goal of Life

What are the consequences of not living in agreement with nature? According to some, the current unusually harsh weather season is a result of global warming, which is directly related to not living in agreement with nature. Simply put, in my opinion and that of most scientists, this is simply laughable.

On a more health related slant, the focus of the medical community is on the suppression of symptoms from the outside, versus prevention of disease through improvement in health. Interesting to note that suppression of symptoms is a leading cause of death in the US. Now JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) has published articles regarding this same topic. More and more the US is waking up to the fact that the maintenance of health is better than the treatment of disease.

One would think that living in agreement with nature would be common sense. However, common sense is not so common. Here are a few pointers on how the gain and maintain health:

*  Eat Whole Foods. Focus on diet of inclusion

*  Eat a balanced diet with optimal protein, unrefined carbohydrates and the right fats. There are health promoting and health destroying foods within each macro-nutrient category, including fats, carbohydrates and proteins.

*  Stay hydrated. Water is an essential by-product of beta oxidation and you need it to burn fat! If you are even slightly dehydrated you will lower your metabolism and you won't be able to perform at your peak.

*  The types of fats and oils you eat can dramatically impact your health. Emphasize monounsaturated fats and omega 3 fats found in cold water fish, avocados, raw nuts and seeds (not peanuts) and virgin olive oil.

*  Eat foods rich in phytonutrients and antioxidants. Some of the favorites include red grapes, turmeric, sesame, tomatoes in olive oil, ginger, celery, rosemary, saffron, garlic, cherries, berries, cabbage, umbelliferous vegetables, green tea, freshly ground flax seed meal (not oil) and licorice.

*  Avoid health destructive foods and toxic chemicals including:
  - pro-inflammatory and rancid fats including corn, safflower, sunflower, cottonseed oils, all margarine, trans fats and fried foods.
  - hormones and additives in meats, chicken and eggs
  - farm raised fish treated with additives, hormones and unhealthy feed (buy wild caught fish)
  - processed foods
  - refined and simple sugars, high glycemic foods including fruit juice, white flour.
  - Iron fortified cereals (and vitamins)
  - Soda (especially diet)
  - Drugs - OTC or prescribed (sulfur, mercury, thermisol etc)
  - Vaccinations (do your own research and choose wisely)

*  You cannot supplement a poor diet to make it healthy. It is impossible to get all of the nutrients you need even in the most healthy and balanced diet. Use supplements to enhance a healthy diet to make it optimal.

*  Balance your hormone responses. Eat, work, exercise, rest and play to support appropriate hormone responses of growth hormone, cortisol, adrenaline and insulin.

*  Avoid toxic exposure: Eat organic, use environmentally friendly household products, filter your air and water. It is estimated that 80% of all cancers are from tobacco, nutrition and environmental carcinogens. Add houseplants to reduce the chemicals in the air.

*  Exercise is dose dependent. You must make sure you are doing the right amount of each to ensure optimal results, as too much can have a negative effect as too little. There are 3 types of exercise - adaptive (resistance training), calming (flexibility/core exercises) and stimulating (cardio). Which type, how much of it and at what intensity depends on you metabolism type.

*  Maintain your ideal body fat percentage and remember you must be healthy to lose body fat and increase lean muscle mass. Test your body fat percentage vs. testing your weight regularly.

*  Take time out for fun and get adequate rest. Laughing and smiling changes your brain chemistry for the better. Mindful exercise like yoga have been shown to enhance the immune system. Do not eat 3 hours before bedtime as this is the time the body can put its efforts into repair vs. digestion.

* Chiropractic Care: Your nervous system controls all body function, including your immune system, glandular system, circulatory system, digestive system, elimination system, and musculoskeletal system. Regular chiropractic care is the foundation for optimizing health and assisting the body in restoring health, maintaining and maximizing function.

Follow these simple steps to  maintain your own health and those of your loved ones.

The goal of life is living in agreement with nature.
 Zeno, Greek philosopher (335 BC - 264 BC)

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

About Being Afraid

Are you afraid? Of What? A baby isn't afraid. A small child is seldom afraid. Life is venturesome until fear is introduced into the picture by adults. Are you an adult? What frightens you? Are you afraid of your fellow man? Are you afraid of dogs and cats, horses and cows, bugs and snakes; every living thing large or small, even germs? Do you fear heights, fires, floods, and storms? Are you afraid of yourself, afraid of life and death? What's it all about? Where do you find joy in living? Are you afraid to live, afraid to die, afraid to win or even attempt to try? If so, is life really worth living?

Ready to read something ironic? Someone has said that it all depends upon the liver. The chances are that you are constantly taking something for your liver and every vital function of your body. What a life! How did you get into such a fix? You must thank your doctor for that "fix" ...

There are only two ways to live. You can choose to be steeped in fear or choose to be wise in faith. Both are open to you. Which do you choose? Fear that pulls you down or faith that lifts you up and keeps you alive with hope? As you sow, so shall you reap. Either way, it is yours to embrace. You own it! You can choose to live only one day at a time, and make the most of what you do. But when the day is gone, it's gone forever. Live well your part in life and you will enjoy life from the start, thus making the most of everything.

If you are fearful, what started you off on the negative approach? Doubtless you have had too many "don'ts" in you life; don't do this, don't do that. Or, be careful, you might get hurt. Don't eat that, it may be poison. The devil is lurking everywhere to try you and pull you down. What about faith abounding to pull you up? Believe in yourself, have faith in god, and the best will be yours wherever you may trod.

You may blame ill health as your problem. What can you expect when you let fear enter your life and pull you down? Keep your thoughts high. Always try to make your best work better. Encourage your children to be hopeful and better with faith in themselves and faith in the things they do. They will then be kind and true because they will have a better pattern of behavior to follow.

If you continue to be afraid, hesitate to go places or do things because of fear, you must begin to adhere to reality. It's time to wake up and live! Time is awastin', and you're not getting any younger. You should not let fear mar your way to better things.

The Bible says you are fearfully and wonderfully made. That is a wonderful and ironic truth. Wake up and live!

"There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve - the fear of failure."

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Side Effects

What are side effects? They are something unexpected that happen along the way, or on the side. They may be good or bad, generally undesirable, but take place just the same. If you are running a race, unexpected hazards may cause you to lose. On the other hand, something may happen that gives you new courage making things turn out in a helpful way, and you are glad as a result.

In the healing arts the side effects are generally negative. You are treated for some particular disorder and the reaction takes a turn for the worse. For instance, tranquilizers are prescribed to ease pain or to quiet the nerves. Then the headache pain, skin irritation, or a rash develops; thus adverse symptoms take place generally puzzling the doctor and giving the patient no end of the trouble. In fact, the most common methodology is to prescribe another drug and telling the patient, "come back next week if this doesn't work, and I'll give you a something else." Now THAT'S is real confidence builder for the patient ... NOT!

Why do side effects occur? Various answers may be given, such as allergy, but the most logical answer is abundantly clear. All drugs have a most definite reaction when applied to the body, with some adverse, some mild. These reactions are called side effects and the treatment varies according to the nature of the patient, environment, working conditions, and other factors.

To quote Eli Lilly of Lilly Pharmaceuticals: "A drug is not a drug, unless it has side effects."

The Chiropractic, or natural, approach is different. Realizing that the life or nerve energy of the body transmitted by the system of nerves, directs and controls all bodily function and activity. We give special attention to the nervous system and its reaction in general. Thus, chiropractors do not treat the disease itself nor its side effects. Instead we make radiographic (x-ray) pictures of the spine and other tests to determine where the nerve interference occurs, after which skillful spinal adjustments are made to clear the basic cause by removing the nerve interference and setting free the life energy. Thus, the healing takes place from within outward and the side effects in most cases subside and clear up.

Oftentimes falls, accidents, strains, and mishaps displace one or more vertebrae to a degree so the nerves are "pinched" and dis-ease occurs and side effects result with various symptoms. We are educated and skilled in locating and correcting this spinal cause of the health problem, making possible a more healthy life without side effects.

"Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects."

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Belly Fat

Excess accumulation of belly fat is more dangerous than excess fat around your hips and thighs. Belly fat is associated with serious health problems, such as heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. Your genes can contribute to your being overweight and help determine where you carry this extra fat, but poor lifestyle choices are likely to worsen the issue.

Eating high-fat foods is not helpful, but excess calories of any kind can increase your waistline and contribute to belly fat. Still, there is no single cause of belly fat. Genetics, diet, age, and lifestyle can all play a role. Changing dietary habits can help you fight the battle of the bulge and fight belly fat: Read labels, reduce saturated fats, increase the amount of fruits and veggies you eat, and control and reduce your portions. Excess calories, whether from alcohol, sweetened beverages, or over-sized portions of food, can increase belly fat. Our bodies need calories, yet gram for gram, alcohol has almost as many calories as fat.

Alcohol does seem to have a particular association with an increased waistline, though. In general, that’s because when you drink alcohol, your liver is too busy burning off alcohol to burn off fat, leaving you with a beer belly. Studies show that alcohol can cause you to feel hungry by affecting hormones that regulate a sense of satiety.

Researchers at Wake Forest University found that trans fats, which are created by partially hydrogenated oil, increase the amount of fat around the belly and redistribute fat tissue to the abdomen from other parts of the body. Trans fats may be found in such foods as margarine, pastries, cookies and crackers, and fried and convenience foods.

Green tea, in combination with exercise, could help you lose weight, according to the Journal of Nutrition. Researchers think substances in green tea known as catechins stimulate the body to burn calories and enhance loss of belly fat. Blueberries also show promise, albeit in rodents. In one study, rats bred to become obese were fed either a high-fat diet or a low-fat diet rich in blueberries. Rats fed a blueberry-rich diet had less abdominal fat.

Many fast food options are typically high-fat, calorie-dense foods that are eaten in large portions -- all of which contribute to over-consumption of calories, weight gain, and an increase in belly fat when eaten frequently. Many fast food restaurants don’t provide nutritional information, but studies have shown that when this is available, people tend to pick lower-calorie meals.

According to the American Heart Association, “soft drinks and other sugar-sweetened beverages are the No. 1 source of added sugars in the American diet.” Added sugars mean added calories;, something you want to avoid to help with weight loss and cut down on belly fat. High-fructose corn syrup has gradually replaced refined sugar as the main sweetener in soft drinks and has been blamed as a potential contributor to the obesity epidemic.

Does switching to diet sodas help? Although some research has suggested that people who drink artificially sweetened sodas as part of a calorie-restricted diet do lose weight, other studies have suggested that diet soft drinks could even lead to weight gain. For now, there’s no conclusive evidence either way.

To trim your waistline, add whole grains to your diet. For example, choose brown or wild rice instead of white rice. Refined and other highly processed foods can contribute to weight gain and interfere with weight loss. A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that a calorie-controlled diet rich in whole grains can trim extra fat from the waistline of obese subjects.

Couscous, spaghetti, and corn flakes are made from refined grains (though whole grain options may be available). Popcorn is a whole grain food that can boost fiber. The best way to prepare popcorn is with an air-popper, which requires no oil for cooking. Read labels to see what oils have been added to microwave popcorn. All else being equal, though, whole grains are better than refined grains because they tend to be high in fiber and take longer to digest. This satisfies your hunger better and helps lower blood glucose levels and reduce fat.

Overall, men tend to store fat in the abdominal area more than women do, thanks to sex hormone differences. Before age 40, women tend to store most of their fat in the hips, thighs, and buttocks. After 40, as estrogen levels drop, body fat is redistributed to the abdomen.

When you lose weight, you’re much more likely to lose it in your midsection. Losing weight on a well-balanced plan will melt body fat, including belly fat. The best way to decrease your waist size is through healthy eating and regular exercise.

Doing sit-ups, crunches, or other abdominal exercises will strengthen your core muscles and help you lose fat, but they don’t specifically work on belly fat. In other words, spot exercise won’t decrease belly fat. The only way to lose belly fat (or any kind of fat) is through dieting and exercise. Aerobic exercises, such as running, swimming, cycling, and tennis, are some of the best to help reduce body fat.

Belly fat appears to be especially bad for the heart. Studies have linked belly fat to heart failure, atherosclerosis, and other cardiovascular problems. It also has been associated with osteoporosis, dementia, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, colorectal cancer, metabolic syndrome, high blood pressure, and other health problems.

Most scientific evidence suggests that a calorie-controlled diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy, beans, nuts, seeds, lean meat, fish, eggs, and poultry is the foundation for a diet that provides all the nutrients you need while helping to whittle your waistline. Weight loss experts recommend combining this diet with 30 to 60 minutes of exercise most days of the week.


Monday, June 8, 2015

Antacid Medications Can Be Dangerous

Antacid medications cause an increased risk of hospitalization for low blood magnesium.

Tums and Rolaids are some the most popular over-the-counter antacids on the market. It is used to treat the symptoms of too much stomach acid such as stomach upset, heartburn, and acid indigestion. It is also used to relieve symptoms of extras gas such as belching, bloating, and feeling of pressure and discomfort in the stomach region. Pathetically, Tums states that it contains calcium, which "is good for you." Sadly, it's a marketing technique and the ignorant bought into it, including medical doctors. Millions are spent with advertising these dangerous options for indigestion. And, millions suffer consequences needlessly.
More than 50% of Americans are magnesium deficient, and this applies to half the population on proton pump inhibitors. Magnesium plays a key role in more than 350 enzymes and is involved in virtually every metabolic process occurring in the body.

How do you determine if a patient is magnesium deficient? A simple blood test for serum magnesium is not the answer. Serum magnesium represents only 1% of magnesium stores. RBC magnesium is definitely a better indicator and the most accurate test we have. This test can be done by most labs and all functional medicine labs.

There are approximately 145 million prescriptions for PPI dispensed in the US each year for acid-related disorders such as dyspepsia and GERD. Millions more are over-the-counter. These medications are widely regarded as safe, yet many adverse effects have been noted. The theory is that this is caused by impaired intestinal absorption of magnesium. When severe, hypo-magnesemia is dangerous and can be associated with arrhythmias, muscle dysfunction and seizures. I like to call it a "mal-absorption syndrome," which mean you are starving your body. Why? Little to no digestion can occur with an antacid regime.

The side effects of antacids are ominous. The include causing dose-dependent rebound hyper-acidity and milk-alkali syndrome; antacids that contain aluminum hydroxide may cause constipation, aluminum-intoxication, osteomalacia, and hypophosphatemia; antacids that contain magnesium have a laxative effect that may cause diarrhea, and can reduce the ability of the kidneys to eliminate magnesium from the body in the urine.

Proton pump inhibitors may not be the solution. Natural treatments offer a more effective approach than what is provided by proton pump inhibitors.

Some nutritional options to consider that improve digestive function are probiotics and glutamine. In addition, deglycyrrhiizinated licorice (DGL) helps relax the esophageal sphincter; it is soothing and protecting to the gastric mucosa and mucous membranes lining the digestive tract.

These natural solutions offer a more effective approach than what is provided by proton pump inhibitors. Proton pump inhibitors can induce several nutrient deficiencies in calcium, potassium and magnesium. In addition, they can cause serious neuromuscular and cardiovascular problems and may increase the chance of hip fracture in people over 50 years of age.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Poor Choice For Pain

Acetaminophen belongs to a class of drugs called analgesics (pain relievers) and fever reducers. Ironically, the exact mechanism of action of acetaminophen is not known. It's stated that it reduces the production of prostaglandins (chemicals that cause inflammation and swelling) in the brain.
Acetaminophen is an ineffective and poor choice for short term pain relief of low back pain, knee pain, hip pain and osteoarthritis pain.

Acetaminophen is in the same class as Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Codeine, Tramadol, and Hydrocodone. Of great concern it the fact that it is the most popular pain reliever in the U.S., accounting for an estimated more than 27 billion annual doses. With more than 100,000 hospital visits a year by users, it's also the most likely to be taken inappropriately. In fact, improper use, coupled with the drug's narrow safety margin, means "a large fraction of users are close to a toxic dose in the ordinary course of use," according to the Food and Drug Administration.

Let's ignore the safety issues and look at the facts. Is acetaminophen an effective pain reliever in the first place? Not for low back pain and pain attributable to knee and/or hip osteoarthritis, conclude the authors of a recent meta-analysis.

The published review of 13 randomized trials has yielded "high quality evidence" that paracetamol (acetaminophen) does not reduce pain intensity or disability, and does not improve the quality of life, in the short term for people experiencing low back pain, and provides only "minimal, short term benefit" for people suffering from hip or knee pain caused by osteoarthritis, stating that "the small effects ... are not likely to be meaningful for clinicians or patients."

Back to the safety issues surrounding acetaminophen, which the meta-analysis did little to dilute. According to the review researchers, "high quality" evidence suggests paracetamol use results in a fourfold risk of an abnormal liver function test. Not surprising, since acetaminophen misuse (overdose) is now the most common cause of acute liver failure (exceeding all other medications combined) and the second most common cause of liver failure requiring transplantation.

In fact, the FDA has mandated that all acetaminophen containing prescription products feature a "black box" warning (the administration's strongest safety statement) noting an overdose can cause liver failure and even death; and have been urged to place similar language on OTC acetaminophen products.

Take care of your wonderful body, and it will take care of you. And, think of it this way;

"You don't need drugs. Get high on life with an overdose of you!"

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Combatting Cold Sores

Cold sores…those red, painful lesions that perpetually encroach upon the area surrounding the mouth. They spoil date night, ruin the complexion, and are a source of embarrassment and frustration. Also known as fever blisters, these persistent sores are simply an external representation of an internal viral infection. Cold sores are the most common manifestation of a herpes simplex labialis infection – the most prevalent type of herpes simplex virus.

Once infected with any form of the herpes simplex virus, a lifelong infection is established and symptoms occur according to the reproductive cycle of the virus. After the initial infection, the herpes virus migrates to sensory nerve ganglia, where it resides indefinitely. The infected individual remains asymptomatic during this quiet, remission period. However, it is during this time that asymptomatic shedding of the virus occurs and transmission upon contact is possible. Localized lesions that identify the specific type of herpes infection – cold sores, for example – flare up when the latent virus begins to reproduce and create red, swollen vesicles that leak a highly contagious fluid possessing active viral particles. The lesions eventually form scabs and enter the remission period once again. Current treatment protocols for the herpes virus utilize anti-inflammatories to reduce lesion size and antiviral monotherapy to inhibit viral replication, but they have yet to be successful at significantly reducing the duration or severity of recurrence. Currently, it is well known that the herpes simplex virus is more likely to reactivate when the immune system is depressed. Deficiencies in innate immunity lead to uncontrolled relapses in humans already infected with herpes simplex virus. Considering the influential role of immunity in relapses, perhaps a better treatment approach should focus on supporting the immune system and its potential ability to let this sleeping virus lie.

Herbal Support
Scientific research and numerous clinical studies provide a substantial amount of evidence supporting the usage of various botanicals for improving immunity, especially during a viral assault. Echinacea is particularly adept at enhancing the antiviral activities of the immune system. It can upregulate gene expression of various immune cells, stimulate phagocytosis, and suppress the secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines. In addition to its immune-modulating abilities, standardized preparations of the aerial parts and roots of echinacea show potent virucidal activity against the herpes simplex virus when in contact with the direct virus, either prior to cell entry or during asymptomatic shedding.

Astragalus, a close companion to echinacea, shares the ability to modulate and support the immune system, especially when a viral attack is at hand. A recent study discovered that this amazing botanical was able to protect astrocytes from herpes simplex virus through a multitude of mechanisms involving increased expression of tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a), toll-like receptor 3 (TLR3) and interleukin-6, and activation of nuclear factor-?B (NF-?B). In this way, astrocytes were able to grow and proliferate in a normal manner. Infection with herpes simplex virus attenuates the growth and proliferation of cells, but in the presence of astragalus polysaccharide, normal growth and proliferation was promoted.

Mushroom extract provides another source of immune support and virucidal activity. An isolated proteoglycan of Reishi mushrooms was found to inhibit viral replication and hence, the death of cells infected with herpes simplex virus. Similarly, a protein from Maitake mushrooms was shown to inactivate and inhibit replication of herpes simplex virus in a dose-dependent manner. Other mushrooms, including the Chaga medicinal mushroom and the almond mushroom, have been studied for their antiherpetic and antiviral properties.

Relapse and remission may be the targeted outcome for individuals already infected with herpes simplex virus, but prevention in non-infected individuals should be an equally sought after goal. Botanicals have not only been shown to aid remission, but they also help provide assistance with prevention. Monocaprin and lauric acid, two superior fatty acids found in coconut oil, were tested for their ability to reduce large numbers of herpes simplex virus in a short amount of time. Results showed a greater than 100,000-fold reduction in virus titer within 1 minute, at a concentration of 20mM. This significant outcome provides valuable insight into the usage of these two compounds as preventative agents.

While Western medicine continues its search for effective antiviral medications, nature appears to provide us with an array of synergistic botanicals that not only support and assist the immune system in its fight against persistent viral attacks, but also shows promise for prevention against infection.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Real Friends vs Fake Friends

I reviewed this article years ago and thought it fit today's society of people and relationships. In a world where bullying is running rampant and betrayal and deceit is commonplace, it should not be surprising to learn that kids can be surrounded by mean girls and boys, and even fake friends.

Fake friends are phonies that use others to meet their needs. They also tend to bully and be part of cliques. Likewise, fake friends are one-dimensional and care only about themselves. For this reason, it’s important that kids learn how to distinguish between real friends and fake ones, because being associated with a fake friend often results in being bullied.

Why Do People Bully
Here is a list of characteristics to review with your kids. If their friends have these characteristics, then they are likely fake friends. And, it might be time to start building some new relationships.

Fake friends are selfish.” Typically, a fake friend will only call your child when they want or need something. Rarely, will they call for other reasons. Be sure your child knows that if a friend is not calling to check in or just to chat, then that person is not really a friend at all.

“Fake friends thrive on gossip and drama.” Stress to your kids that if someone enjoys gossiping about others, then they may be gossiping behind their backs as well. Gossiping and spreading rumors has serious consequences and is at the base of relational aggression and other types of bullying. Be sure your kids know that they should avoid friendships with people who thrive on gossip.

“Fake friends require you to pretend.” The hallmark of a healthy friendship is that you can be yourself. If your children feel like they have to wear a mask or can’t be authentic, then that is the sign of a fake friend. In other words, if your child has to talk or dress differently in order to fit in, then those people are not true friends. They are probably part of a clique instead of a group of friends. Fake friends also resort to peer pressure, which often leads to bullying, ostracizing and other forms of relational aggression.

“Fake friends lie.” Many times, fake friends do not feel good about who they are so they lie about their accomplishments, their grades, their clothes, their possessions – anything to make themselves look better. And if they lie about themselves, they will lie about your child too. Be sure your child knows that if they catch a friend in multiple lies, it’s probably not a healthy friendship.

“Fake friends are critical.” If their friends are constantly criticizing them, it is time to take a closer look at the friendship. Real friends are supportive and encouraging, but fake friends often criticize. Girls in particular are guilty of being critical about weight or weight bullying. This type of bullying is particularly dangerous because it can lead to eating disorders or even self-harming behavior.

“Fake friends are not happy when you succeed.” If your kids’ friends have something insulting to say every time time they succeed, then they are not real friends. Real friends celebrate one another’s accomplishments.

“Fake friends are not trustworthy.” Usually, good friends will keep one another’s secrets. In other words, real friends don’t tell the world who your child is crushing on. If your child’s friends are always spilling the beans, then it’s time to start considering that the friend is a bully.

“Fake friends rarely have your back.” Real friends will stick up for one another, especially when faced with bullying. Meanwhile, a fake friend will either be a quiet bystander to the bullying or may even take part in the bullying to avoid becoming the next victim of bullying. If this is a regular occurrence, your child should consider either talking with the friend about being passive or start looking for another group of friends.

It's healthy to have real friends, but only those that are unconditionally supportive and genuine.

"They are not your friends UNTIL they have defended you in your absence."

Monday, June 1, 2015

The Art of Living

The art of living is good to knowledge. We eat to live, but we do not live to eat. However, some people seem to consider it otherwise. Then obesity is created and soon observed.

When you see anyone at least 100 pounds too heavy, it is a pretty good guess that they enjoy eating and that they eat much too much. Keep in mind that 30 is considered morbidly obese with your BMI - again only 30. That piece of information is from the American Medical Association.

Morbid obesity is a serious health condition that can interfere with basic physical functions such as breathing or walking. Those who are morbidly obese are at greater risk for illnesses including diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, GERD, gallstones, osteoarthritis, heart disease, and even cancer.

Morbid obesity is diagnosed by determining Body Mass Index (BMI). BMI is defined by the ration of an individual's height to his or her weight. Normal BMI ranges from 20-25. An individual is considered morbidly obese if he or she is 100 pounds over his/her ideal body weight, has a BMI of 40 or more, or 35 or more and experiencing obesity-related health conditions, such as high blood pressure or diabetes.

The heavier you are the more energy is required to maintain your size and shape, and naturally you must consume more food to maintain your overweight. Under such conditions, it is a good idea to join a weight watcher club. The strange part of it is, however, that those who should eat less usually eat more and defeat the basic idea.

People in my practice use every excuse in the book; from having big bones, to menopause, to DNA and even blaming it on stress (which is a good fat builder). Excuses will only provide an unhealthy life. By choosing to be obese, one must understand that a healthy lifestyle will certainly be shortened.

"The devil has put a penalty on all things we enjoy in life. Either we suffer in health or we suffer in soul, or we get fat." - Albert Einstein