Thursday, May 28, 2015

Time Is Now

The time in now. What are you doing with it? Are you merely turning a page in your calendar? Are you adding another year to your age? Are you counting the time when you can retire and have nothing to do, or the time when you will be able to take a long, coveted vacation?

Time means many things to many people. some look forward to a time when they can do some desired project like remodeling a work of art that has been dormant in their mind, or even writing that memoir of their life.

Then again you may be a person who frets about wasted time, a person who is punctual, always on time, or perhaps a little ahead of time, are are vexed then others are late for appointments. This conduct throws you off schedule, thus wasting your life and theirs to no good end.

Then there are those who keep putting things off, waiting until tomorrow or some other time and thus getting nowhere. Why are people like that, you wonder? Again, this keeps you worrying about things left undone.

Time is now. Everyone has the same allotted time, no more and no less. Use this time well, use it wisely and you can accomplish much. Waste time and you may never have another chance.

Longfellow said; "Lives of great men all remind us we can make our lives sublime, and departing, leave behind us footprints in the sands of time."

That is true, and makes for a good figure of speech, but how much value have footprints on sand when the first strong wind will blot them out?

Time is precious to creative art. Ideas are the key to accomplishment. Time is now and ideas unused soon become obscure. If you have something worth doing, do it now. Employ time as you should when opportunity knocks. Act on the idea and it is yours from now on. Leave it undone and so it will remain, for that is a low of life. You get but one chance .... that moment will never exist again.

You may protest that ill health is your problem. How can you accomplish the greater things in life when dis-ease has knocked at you door or when a headache is pounding in your head? The spine is also the key to the nervous system which likewise is the key to your health.

Take care of yourself and in due time normal function is restored, thus opening the way to health and more more fulfilling life.

"Fill you mind with forgiveness, faith, and love and you will radiate blessings like the sky above."

Friday, May 22, 2015

Memorial Day

Contemporary times reveal many folks believing that Memorial Day to be the unofficial start of the summer season. So many families and friends will barbecue, retreat to the beach or that mini vacation to the lake. However, Memorial Day utilizes the word "memorial" in it for a valid reason.

The "holiday" got started on May 30, 1868, when Union General John A. Logan declared the day an occasion to decorate the graves of Civil War soldiers. Twenty years later, the name was changed to Memorial Day. On May 11, 1950, Congress passed a resolution requesting that the President issue a proclamation calling on Americans to observe each Memorial Day as a day of prayer for permanent peace and designating a period on that day when the people of the United States might unite in prayer. President Richard M. Nixon declared Memorial Day a federal holiday in 1971. Memorial Day is now observed on the last Monday of May. It is an occasion to honor the men and women who died in all wars.

It is now customary to mark Memorial Day by visiting graveyards and war monuments. Going to your local Memorial Day celebration is a grateful gesture, and much appreciated by living veterans, and the families who have lost loved ones.

Some ways you can honor the men and women who serve our country:

- Put flags or flowers on the graves of men and women who served in wars.

- Fly the U.S. flag at half-staff until noon.

- Visit monuments dedicated to soldiers, airmen, sailors and marines.

- Participate in a National Moment of Remembrance at 3 p.m. local time.

Remember that we have a summer of freedom because of those who gave all.....

My Memorial Day video featuring Trace Adkins

Monday, May 18, 2015

Man's Best Friend

On several occasions, I've posted photographs on social media of my dog and best buddy, Izzy.

I find it ironic with the sentiment that dog is man's best friend. However, I often wonder why man isn't man's best friend. Man has all of the attributes of the dig including many others. So, what is the answer?

Why is man so cruel? Why is man the only creature that will lie, steal, cheat, and betray a trust? Is there any other being that will murder or make war on his own kind? Why is man at times so God-like, yet on other occasions he will destroy even his benefactors without rhyme or reason? I often wonder if there is a reason for this inhumanity to man.

There is only one answer to offset this negative, and it is love, Jesus stressed this truth in these words;    "Love God with all your heart and mind and soul, and your neighbor as yourself ... Love one another as I have loved you." Likewise he stressed, "The kingdom of heaven is within you." Perhaps checking your inner self, which is truly the source of man's best friend.

Edward Markham noted;
"He drew a circle and shut me out; heretic, rebel, a thing to flout. But love and I had the wit to win; we drew circle and took him in."

Does this appear to be the only true answer? Yet, how prone we all are to shut our neighbor out. Maybe that is why we have so much respect for the dog. The dog barks and growls, and on occasion bites, but it does so to alert us of possible danger.

You may say that you are ill, that you have no peace of mind, that you are emotionally not well - which accounts for many of the cruel things you and/or others say or do.

Get healthy! Eat fruits and vegetables! Do things in moderation. Most importantly .... find love!

"A dog is the only thing on Earth that loves you more than he loves himself."

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Flowers For The Living

A tribute of flowers is a nice gesture on any occasion. At funerals the departed may be smothered, so to speak, with flowers. This speaks well for the respect in which such a person was held, but in some cases perhaps the flowers were given for other reasons. Perhaps to ease a conscience, or maybe to impress the mourners. Certainly the departed is not impressed.

The important question is, how did you let your feelings be known while the departed was alive? Were you friendly, were you kind, did you pay deserved tribute by offering a bit of praise for the good work he or she had done? Did you place your hand on his shoulder when he was feeling low? Did you compliment him or her when it would have been appreciated so very much? That surely would have been much better.

A wonderful poem by Seaver, states it this way:

"A better world "twould surely be
If only we would spread
More flowers upon the living,
And fewer on the dead.

The flowers you give will wither,
As all flowers surely do,
But in some heart they'll bloom again
When that someone thinks of you."

Many people feel depressed because they are not well. some become cross and irritable for the same reason. Do you offer a word of encouragement, or sympathy, or extend a helping hand, or do an act of kindness in such a situation? Surely flowers or even words of encouragement would be more appreciated on such occasions. Think long about this ..... and what you could do!

If you are in quest of health, see a chiropractor. If you know someone who is ill, send them the best bouquet of all, a word about chiropractic. That will open the way to better health and a more fulfilling life.

"The difference between gossip and news is whether you hear it or tell it."

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Keep Your Head High, Chin Up

Have you ever seen or heard a rooster crow with his head down? NO! He's always has his head up and flapping his wings exuberantly.

Someone has said, "I like to see a rooster crow because he reminds me of so many men I know who wave their arms and shout without a damned thing to crow about."

As this may be true, on the other hand, sitting down and wishing will never change your fate. The Lord provides the fishing, you must dig the bait.

It is said that opportunity knocks at your door but once, and then goes its way to come no more. This is not true for those who hold their head high and are ready to open the door whether the bell rings or not. Do your best with what you have and you may expect the best. Take for instance the performance of Noah Galloway, of 'Dances With The Stars'. Dancing without an arm and leg and yet he exudes confidence and possesses a zest for life.

Are you still a doubter? Bear this in mind; no one wins with a head hung low. You've got to be ready and on the go to attract attention. But that is not all. Have courage, believe in yourself, and keep your head up wherever you go. The one who lets his head hang low will stumble along letting the habit grow wherever he goes. Remember, as you sow, so shall you reap, whether you laugh or whether you weep.

And consider this body of ours, fearfully and wonderfully made, according to a Psalm.

First, consider the skeletal system consisting of 208 bones in size from tiny bones in the ear to large and the irregular bones of the spine and pelvis. Then, there are 682 muscles, large and small, all of which pad the bones and bind them together in united form.

But, that is not all. Both bones and muscles would be meaningless without the nervous system that provides a means of communication from brain cells to tissue cells activating function and activity in all living cells. Amazing ... simply amazing.

No wonder your body has been called God's masterpiece. And, you have every reason to hold your chin up and your head high.

Monday, May 11, 2015

From Acorn To Oak

Do you count things in a big way? Consider that all little things count also. Thus, never discredit small things, nor even yourself, should you feel insignificant in this great world of ours. Someone once said, "An oak tree is only a little nut that held its ground long enough to grow up." How ironic.

Have you ever stopped to think that everything, regardless of size, first starts from a small beginning? The whale was once a small mammal in a great ocean; the giant Sequoia grew from a seed, almost as tiny as a mustard seed; the largest skyscraper began with a single brick; Hoover Dam started with a bag of cement and yard of sand .... and so it goes.

Every giant enterprise or important invention started with a simple idea. The iron teakettle, singing on the stove, provided the original idea for the steam engine; a spider wed woven across the garden path may have suggested the suspension bridge; even an apple, falling from a tree, gave Newton the idea which is known today as the law of gravity.

In medicine, a bullet wound in the abdomen of a patient, aids a doctor in studying the principle of digestion; a bump on a man's spine, and his subsequent deafness, were the forerunner of the science and art of health known today as Chiropractic.

All these beginnings were little things, yet what wonders they held in store when the right moment arrived for the world to see the light and know the way.

What the chiropractor does with his hands on the spine of the sick or injured person, seems like a little thing to do. But, the patient gets well which, after all, is the big thing that matters most.

 "You will not achieve big things ... if you are distracted by small things."

Thursday, May 7, 2015

ObamaCare - ER Visits Climb

The following editorial presents with just one the obscene facts regarding the Obamacare fiasco we the public, and professionals, are obligated to endure.

"Here's a survey that won't be posted at #BetterWithObamacare: Three-quarters of the nation's emergency room physicians say that visits to their ERs have gone up since implementation of the Affordable Care Act.

That's not what President Obama promised the American people when his vaunted health reform law was enacted five years ago. He was certain that ER visits would decrease once Americans started enrolling in Obamacare.

Well, some 6.7 million people were enrolled in Obamacare in 2014, according the Department of Health and Human Services. But not only did three in for ER doctors say the volume of emergency patients increased, one in for said the volume "increased greatly," according to a survey by the American College of Emergency Physicians.

There are myriad explanations for why the president's health care reform has failed to reduce ER visits. Not the least of the is that all too many primary care doctors refuse to accept Obamacare patients because of low reimbursement rates. Many of those patients wind up using the ER for primary care, which portends higher - rather than lower - overall health care costs.

Nowhere is that scenario more observable than here in the Golden State, where Covered California, the state's Obamacare health insurance exchange, is held out as a national model. a study published in the May issue of Health Affairs, found that health plans available through Covered California have narrower hospital networks than do commercial plans.

Blue Shield of California, which boasts some 3.4 million enrollees, provides a case in point. In 2014, its Covered California health plans included only 75 percent of the hospitals in its network and 60 percent of the doctors.

It's hard to imagine a higher participation rate inasmuch as hospitals and doctors that accept Covered California patients are reimbursed in some cased 30 percent less than those that do not.

That's why many Covered California patients are turning to the state's already overtaxed emergency rooms for such non-emergencies as coughs and colds, and cuts and burns that could b addressed at the local CVS or Walgreens.

We'd like to believe this unintended consequence of the Affordable Care Act eventually will be resolved, and that the nation's emergency rooms will become less, rather than more, crowded.

But, to date, almost every promise made about the Affordable Care Act - that if you liked you health care plan you could keep it, that the typical premium would be lowered by up to $2,500.00, etc. - has proven to be false."

Last week, my office received a check, made out to me, in the amount of $0.00 - nothing else need be said.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Moving Mountains

Have you ever heard it said that "faith can move mountains"? Have you ever attempted it? In most cases you are better off renting a bulldozer.

Faith, of course, is an enormous help. It is a figure of speech, but very important. You must have faith in yourself. You must believe in the task you are undertaking. You must have confidence in people and believe in the methods you are using. When these factors are employed, you can make your dreams come true.

First identify what your perceived problem might be. Is it one of debt? You cannot borrow yourself rich reaching out to family members, friends or even banks. There comes a time of reckoning and you must repay that debt with cash. A loan at best can only serve as a crutch to lean on in time of greater need, nothing more. Set a goal, develop a plan, work your plan, have faith in the outcome, and you can win when you try and try again. With faith in the laws of right and justice, all things prevail.

Perhaps your mountain is one of ill health. In many cases, you feel that you are somewhat overweight and wish to lose it quickly. Popping a drug that advertises "weight loss" is ignorant decision, and in my opinion, the lazy way to a problematic future outcome. Overcome the dis-ease and leave ease in its place. If you already are depending upon drugs and pills, please stop? These are a poor crutch to lean on because all too often they leave side effects worse than the original dis-ease. Even the doctors prescribing the drugs are puzzled and provide something different if the original "doesn't work". Bottom line - eat moderately and exercise .... it works!

It is somewhat like the woman who placed literal faith in moving mountains of personal problems. "Just as I expected", she moaned, "they are still there to devil me."

Faith is not merely a wish. You have to add will power and common sense to the equation. Sitting back and wishing does not change your fate. The Lord provides the fishing, you must dig the bait.

Health cannot be purchased in a bottle or by prescription to taken by the dose. Health comes from within outward when you are attuned to the laws of life, that nature has placed in every living soul.

Find yourself a good, old-fashion" chiropractor and turn your life around. This done, health is restored naturally from within outward making possible normal health and a more stress free life.

"If you wish to move mountains tomorrow, you must start by lifting stones today."

Monday, May 4, 2015

Be On Time

One of the most important things in life is that of being on time. Time is life, thus use it well. Start at the beginning and be on time when the appointment or work schedule begins. In my day, 15 minutes early, was considered being on time. Bear in mind that the best in every achievement will be yours for the asking because you were there when you should be, a responsible act.

Be on time on every occasion because that is when the outline is presented and you in turn grasp the basic principle that determines the success or failure of the program in hand. But, there is another reason for the promptness. It is a good habit to form. By doing so, you will be pleased with yourself and others will be pleased with you also.

You may protest that circumstances alter occasions. Your transportation was late, the weather was bad, or other excuses came up at the last moment. Perhaps you ad a headache or others were off schedule and that upset everything.

There may have been various extenuating circumstances involved that weren't your fault. That may be true on occasion, but do not let this become a habit. Learn to be on time and time will by yours to command.

Ill health is one of the hardest problems to overcome, but it is a problem you need to watch and curb on most occasions. Beware of the drug habit. By that I mean the casual acceptance of the doctors prescription, or even Nsaids. Avoid learning to rely on pain killers, tranquilizers, and sleeping aids. By doing so you will eventually pay a sad price for so-called relief from disease.

Perceive this; disease is want of ease. When you try to obtain ease by some form of pain killer, it gets you upset and off schedule, and that can be hurtful.

Health is something more or less under your control. It may be a situation wherein you seek to create ease by taking something to numb the nerves at the expense of normal relief. Remember, health come from within outward when the nervous system is under control and free from the drug habit that you may have acquired in an unsuspected way.

Be on time on all occasions, whether in activities of daily living, or your health needs. Have your problems corrected naturally without drugs or surgery, thus making possible a more plentiful life.

 "Diplomacy is the art of letting someone else have your own way."