Thursday, May 14, 2015

Flowers For The Living

A tribute of flowers is a nice gesture on any occasion. At funerals the departed may be smothered, so to speak, with flowers. This speaks well for the respect in which such a person was held, but in some cases perhaps the flowers were given for other reasons. Perhaps to ease a conscience, or maybe to impress the mourners. Certainly the departed is not impressed.

The important question is, how did you let your feelings be known while the departed was alive? Were you friendly, were you kind, did you pay deserved tribute by offering a bit of praise for the good work he or she had done? Did you place your hand on his shoulder when he was feeling low? Did you compliment him or her when it would have been appreciated so very much? That surely would have been much better.

A wonderful poem by Seaver, states it this way:

"A better world "twould surely be
If only we would spread
More flowers upon the living,
And fewer on the dead.

The flowers you give will wither,
As all flowers surely do,
But in some heart they'll bloom again
When that someone thinks of you."

Many people feel depressed because they are not well. some become cross and irritable for the same reason. Do you offer a word of encouragement, or sympathy, or extend a helping hand, or do an act of kindness in such a situation? Surely flowers or even words of encouragement would be more appreciated on such occasions. Think long about this ..... and what you could do!

If you are in quest of health, see a chiropractor. If you know someone who is ill, send them the best bouquet of all, a word about chiropractic. That will open the way to better health and a more fulfilling life.

"The difference between gossip and news is whether you hear it or tell it."

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