Monday, May 11, 2015

From Acorn To Oak

Do you count things in a big way? Consider that all little things count also. Thus, never discredit small things, nor even yourself, should you feel insignificant in this great world of ours. Someone once said, "An oak tree is only a little nut that held its ground long enough to grow up." How ironic.

Have you ever stopped to think that everything, regardless of size, first starts from a small beginning? The whale was once a small mammal in a great ocean; the giant Sequoia grew from a seed, almost as tiny as a mustard seed; the largest skyscraper began with a single brick; Hoover Dam started with a bag of cement and yard of sand .... and so it goes.

Every giant enterprise or important invention started with a simple idea. The iron teakettle, singing on the stove, provided the original idea for the steam engine; a spider wed woven across the garden path may have suggested the suspension bridge; even an apple, falling from a tree, gave Newton the idea which is known today as the law of gravity.

In medicine, a bullet wound in the abdomen of a patient, aids a doctor in studying the principle of digestion; a bump on a man's spine, and his subsequent deafness, were the forerunner of the science and art of health known today as Chiropractic.

All these beginnings were little things, yet what wonders they held in store when the right moment arrived for the world to see the light and know the way.

What the chiropractor does with his hands on the spine of the sick or injured person, seems like a little thing to do. But, the patient gets well which, after all, is the big thing that matters most.

 "You will not achieve big things ... if you are distracted by small things."

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