Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Time and Life

Time is as vital as life itself, yet time is different in relation to the laws of the universe.

Time is an element of eternity. It may be recorded in split seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades, centuries, or even eons.

Life is a minor element of time shared alike by everyone. The only difference is the length of its span and purpose.

Time may be used either constructively or consumed to no advantage. Some people waste time; others mark time, unable to make decisions; some procrastinate with little purpose in life, not realizing that time once recorded is gone forever.

Time, like talents, must be invested wisely to bring about the best returns. Time wasted is like talents buried. No one profits, least of all the one who squanders his or her time to no purpose.

Time is of greatest value when organized and made to serve a dual purpose or multiple needs. The organization of time requires skill, thought, planning, and the elimination of lost motion so that a maximum of benefit may be obtained with a minimum of effort.

To appreciate time in its fullest measure requires normal health and cooperation with the laws of nature which govern all things in the universe.

Your body is said to be God's masterpiece. In a measure all the laws of nature are expressed therein through the various functions of the body. These functions are regulated and controlled through the medium of the nervous system that stems from the brain and spinal cord.

Anatomically, the spine is the strength and support of the body. It holds you erect; it supports the head that houses the brain. The spine also encases the spinal cord and provides openings between the vertebrae through witch all nerve bundles emit before separating into countless fibers that provide a medium of communication between brain cell and tissue cell, akin to an electric circuit between power plant or modern home.

To provide electric service, the circuit must be unbroken; in your body nerve channels must be clear so sensation can reach the brain freely enabling responding mental impulses to direct and regulate function in the glands, organs, and muscles of the body.

On occasions, due to spinal shocks and/or strains, nerves are "pinched". This in turn disturbs function, lowers resistance and in time can result in dis-ease regardless of the diagnosis or the treatment employed.

"People who live in glass houses might as well answer the doorbell."

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