Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Salute The Morning

The morning is the resurrection of day accompanied by all its promises, its opportunities, its joy, its sorrow, its beauty, its enchantment, its encouragement, and at times its disappointments.

The morning comes after a night of rest, a period of oblivion, silent and dreamless at its best, and on occasion following a night of horrid dreams and misery. Nevertheless, in either case the morning awakens to the song of birds and the sound of industry. The witnessing of the approaching day as it sends its shafts of light over the hills and through the valleys. Then follows the rising sun and the glitter of dew diamonds upon the flowers and grass, or in the winter, the sparkle of frost or snow. How wonderful a gift from God! Those who do not arise early miss something of enchantment that can be found at no other time or place.

Perhaps your excuse is that you work late and must have your rest, or are ill and wakeful, dozing off at the break of day. How can you be expected to thrill with the coming of the morning when so often it bodes only troubles and disappointments, work and struggle to make ends meet?

Does this note of pessimism throw a wet blanket on the joy of living? Well, sometimes there is an excuse for it. All people do not get the same breaks in life, nor do they have the same opportunities to enjoy the wonders of the morning, especially when they live in crowded quarters or are surrounded by smoky, noisy industry. There are surely occasions when one may feel gloomy or entertain thoughts of resentment, with the wonders of nature often becoming obscured by the greed of man and his striving to achieve or to acquire wealth.

Then again illness may play into the picture. The strain and struggle of the day are disturbing and distracting factors, especially when the spine and nervous system are involved thus forming the basis for physical and mental problems. These problems may be diagnosed in  many different ways and treated with endless so-called cures that do not cure.

Science teaches that there is a cause for every effect. This is also true respecting the health of the body.

Health is a natural state of being that is the normal expression of life and function within the body manifest through the emotions and the nervous system. The emotions are yours to command. The thoughts you think and your attitude toward life play an important part in how you feel, but by no means are they the entire answer.

Anatomically, the spine encases the spinal cord, a great bundle of nerves that extends from the brain throughout the length of the spinal column. Between the vertebrae are openings through which all nerve trunks emit to separate into millions of fibers forming a direct contact between brain cells and tissue cells, a fundamental essential factor to life and health.

Kindness is one thing you can't give away ... it will always come back!

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