Monday, October 6, 2014

Be Kind

Did you ever stop to think about the wonderful art of being kind? Nothing will open more doors to friendship or quiet more turbulent waves of anger than just being kind.

Friendship is a wonderful asset, love smooths many a hurt, charity has its place, but being kind is the pathway to all that is good, all that is wise, all that is uplifting, all that makes life worth living. No one can resist kindness, even the worst brute is mellowed by kindness and friction gives way to its wonderful power.

"Love one another as I have loved you," said a gentle and great man. No injunction is more powerful any time, any place; but kindness is basic even for love because its approach makes contacts possible. Be kind and all the world will smile a welcome to you.

Perhaps you will say that you are ill and indisposed. You can't help resenting the things others do to annoy you. Even so, just be kind and your own disposition will improve which in turn will remove the barrier that now separates potential friends.

If you are ill, what has created this handicap? It could be an emotional conflict. Change your way of thinking, be kind, and the barrier will usually disappear.

"But," you may protest, "I am nervous, I have a headache, I can't sleep, indigestion is making me miserable. How can I be kind under such circumstances?"

Did you ever consult a chiropractor about your health problems? Bear this in mind. the chiropractor has a different approach to health -- no medicine, no shots, no tranquilizers, no treatment of effects, for such treatment seldom has lasting results. Doctors of Chiropractic assure you that health, as kindness, comes from within outward but is expressed in a different manner.

Your body is composed of material things; bones, muscles, glands, organs, blood vessels, and nerves -- all of which are arranged in systems coordinated by an intangible force animated through the nervous system that stems from the brain and spinal cord. Does this begin to make sense?

Your body has been called God's masterpiece. It is built around a skeletal framework of bones, the spine being the strength and support of the body. A good chiropractor will find the problems associated with you body, and treat the related symptoms by fixing the cause. This provides a kindness to the n
ervous system thus health returns naturally making possible a greater quality of life.

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