Monday, October 13, 2014

Form Good Habits

Habits are wonderful things when properly employed. However, much is said about breaking bad habits. That is a difficult thing to do when you have allowed a bad habit to grow and take command.

Most success in life is based on the forming of good habits cultivated in a helpful way. Had you thought of that? Even simple things are subject to the proper exercise of habits. Habits of dressing, sleeping, awakening, eating, doing almost everything ultimately makes the day's work seem easier.

Doing almost everything a dozen times in the same way is the beginning of a habit, good or bad. Watch your step, be on your guard, outline what you want to do, and your pattern of life begins to be formed. Learn to remember. Plan ahead. repetition is the beginning of the thing you desire to remember.

A wise man once related, "I used to tell my troubles to everyone I knew, and the more I told my troubles, the more my troubles grew." Does it work that way for you? Haven't you found such repetition to be true? It is just as easy, therefore, to form good habits by developing helpful patterns relating to wise and happy thins you do.

Keep on keeping on is one way to make things right or wrong. You learn to save by saving. You learn to accomplish by doing repeating, exercising a will to win.

Isn't it just as easy to do right as to do wrong? It is wise, however, from time to time to analyze your daily pattern and its relationship to life. Consider the habit of saving, for instance. It is good but in so doing be careful, don't become a miser. The love you give away is the love you keep. Be a cheerful giver when the need is great, and it will open for you a worthy gate.

Do you say the state of your health prevents you from doing the things you would like to do? You may have headaches, pain, worries that drive you to taking aspirin, muscle relaxers, and things to give you relief. Soon you are developing a drug habit. What can you do to change the pattern?

Consider Chiropractic! We maintain that health is a natural state of being that comes from up, down, inside and outward; without the need of drugs and needless surgery. Does this seem credible?

The spinal column is said to the the strength and support of the body. The nervous system stems from the brain and spinal cord with its countless nerve fibers that form a direct medium of contact from brain cells to tissue cells, in close relationship with the spinal column.

From the good habit of spinal checkups and you will be in line for better health and a more fulfilling and abundant life.

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