Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Double Vision

Do you sometimes have double vision? For example, do you sometimes see two bridges to cross, and should you have had a drink or two, thus, do you attempt to cross the wrong bridge? That may become disastrous.

Here is sage advice. Never try to drive a car when you have been to a party that serves alcohol. Never use your cell phone, by hand, while driving. Even better advice; restrain yourself from the use of strong drink and/or cell phone tasks, regardless of the occasion, or the bridge you may have to cross might prove fatal.

Double vision technically is a physical condition that may require skilled attention. Your eyes, normally, are focused to give you single vision to avoid confusion. Your eyes are designed so that you have a pair of ligaments that are focused together serving as a team. They pull together on the same load, or as two electric units serving as a separate unit. This is not double vision, but serves a single purpose.

In your physical body, many functions are arranged in pairs for better functional purposes. For instance, you have two eyes, tow ears, two hands, two feet. In contrast, you have only one nose and one tongue so that they can function better and not get into other people's business.

How wise was the Creator for all concerned! Have you ever given thought to what has been called God's masterpiece? Have you considered your own body and how it works for a single purpose?

There are two decidedly separate, yet important, elements that work together for the common good of all. These are the spinal column, formed of many separate elements. The spinal column has 24 movable vertebrae to which all major muscles and ligaments are attached. These vertebrae are separated by padding of cartilage called discs that act as shock absorbers besides giving flexibility to the spine.

The other separate element, yet vital structure, is the nervous system that stems from the brain and spinal cord. Through this medium sensation is flashed to the brain and responds with mental impulses directing all functions and activities of the body in what is termed a state of health.

Is this not a wonderful design? The spinal column is the key to the spinal nervous system which conveys an intelligent force that directs and controls all bodily functions and activities of this creation - God's masterpiece.

"Do not try to stand higher than other people; only try to stand higher than your past self."

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