Monday, December 29, 2014


Ambition is that something that urges you on to accomplishment. Ambition may be worthy or it may be selfish, but in either case it stirs you to action.

Napoleon's ambition was to conquer the world. Hitler had a similar ambition. They both failed because destiny looks after her own when men's hearts are strong.

Ambition may be for wealth or fame, it may be for beauty, service, justice, freedom, or even peace and good will. Great men and women in every age group have dedicated their lives to the welfare of mankind. Artists, writers, statesmen, prophets, and teachers are good examples, with the most noted of all being Jesus. He created no wealth, he owned no property, and was put to death as an impostor. Yet, his ambition for the good of mankind has survived and continues to grow as a shining light, a star to guide the destiny of men.

Ambition need not be of an outstanding nature to be considered great and worthy. Being a good parent, teacher, or child has its just rewards. Rendering a worthy service, setting a good example, or doing a kindness are always rewarding.

What is your ambition? Is it worthy, is it good, is it uplifting, is it something to be proud of? Or, is it lower than should be expected?

Perhaps you will use the excuse that your ill health has robbed you of your ambition and that you have to lean on aspirin and drugs to keep going. Is this really the truth, or is it an ignorant excuse? Have you ever given chiropractic an honest trial?

Our ambition is to be a lighthouse for those who suffer and are in search of health. We attempt to render a genuine health service for those willing to break away from the habit of taking drugs. Health, like ambition, comes from within and is expressed outwardly through the emotions and the nervous system of the body.

We stress the importance of the spine as the key to health and growth. Do it now!

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