Have you ever stopped to ponder that everything, regardless of size, starts from a small beginning? The whale was once a little mammal in a great ocean, the giant Sequoia tree grew from a seed, almost as tiny as a mustard seed. The largest skyscrapers began with a single brick. Hoover Dam started with a bag of cement and a yard of sand. And so it goes....
Every giant enterprise or important invention started with a simple idea. Most found their beginnings in a home or even a garage setting. The iron teakettle singing on the stove produced the original idea for the steam engine. A spider web across the garden path may have suggested the suspension bridge. An apple falling from a tree gave Sir Isaac Newton the idea which is known today as "the law gravity". A bullet wound in the abdomen of a patient aided a doctor in studying principle of digestion.
All these were little things, yet what tremendous wonders they held in store when the right moment arrived for the world to see the light and find the way.
The revolution in the world of healing has been magnificent. More and more, instead of treating effects of pain and discomfort with drugs and surgery, we are recognizing in mass that healing is done by clearing the cause of most disease. And that is done effectively by opening the nerve channels, thus allowing nature's healing forces within the body to function normally.
The nervous system is the directing and controlling medium of the body. Through the nervous system sensation is flashed to the brain informing the Innate Mind of the needs of the body, or the dangers to it. These impressions are interpreted and responding impulses are flashed back over the nervous system to the glands, organs and muscles of the body awakening them to normal activity.
Little things like discomfort, sleepless nights or even an emotional day may be signs of something bigger. See your doctor and grow healthy and strong.
We only have this life once .... and never again. Make it happen.
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