Many things may have interest, beauty, worth, or value, but they are a pale abstract, all of passing interest. Only people awaken a keen impression or lasting interest because only they are children of God, possessing a quality that nothing else has. Think about it ...
Man, it is said, was created from the dust of the earth and made in the image of God. What does that mean? Does it mean that the Creator of the universe is fashioned in the likeness of man? Not so. How could such a creation be possible? Literally it could not, yet the same universal quality that makes all things possible resides within man or in life, each form bearing after its kind in the likeness of its own nature. Is that principle not reasonable enough?
But what about people? People are something different. People are the only things in God's creation that can and do think, reason, and remember. We are the creature that has hands and the ability to create things of interest or can go places, or preserve that which he has created for the good of his fellow being, or can produce a pattern for all time if need be.
Do you enjoy reading? Perhaps so, but what holds the most interest for you? Is it not people or something that people do, or their history and how they created hieroglyphic impressions. Or, how about the alphabet, with the incredible ability to form words, thus giving meaning and lasting interest in things and places where men have been, or are going, and why.
What kind of people hold the greatest interest? Is it not those who serve best and make possible things of greatest interest to mankind; health, hope, happiness, peace, good will, wise or foolish, in relation to his fellow being and the God of the universe.
The professions which should hold the greatest interest are perhaps teachers, doctors, and those who make possible a more abundant life for mankind and for the common good.
It's time to think of and create an interest in your own person. One of the Psalms states that the body is "fearfully and wonderfully made," and that is an affirmation of truth. Add life to your years without the side effects that so often follow medication and/or drugs. Live!
Think, for the mind tells the body what to do.
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