Tuesday, April 29, 2014

A Victim of Routine

Many people are victims of circumstances, victims of wind and weather, victims of flood and tornado, victims of war and many other hazards. But, had it occurred to you that you may also become the victim of routine? The definition - "a sequence of actions regularly followed; a fixed program."

What is routine? It's a sort of habit, doing things in a constant way, adopting some regular mode of action in business or pleasure.  By definition - "a sequence of actions regularly followed; a fixed program," and "pursuing a given course with little flexibility."

What is wrong with that? Nothing really, unless the habit becomes static, unproductive, or stale. Good habits aid in accomplishment, they guide you in a regular course, making things come easily and/or quickly - all to the good. Thus, there is more power to such a positive routine.

Of course, there is a chance of becoming a victim of negative routine, constantly doing things the hard way, being unwilling to change, holding fast to an antiquated pattern of life, giving too much attention to time-consuming, unprofitable details. Such routine needs to be modified and brought up-to-date.

In a broader sense, there is also routine in politics, in religion, and in health methods. Voting for the same party regardless of policies, holding fast to one political group or to fixed methods. Religion likewise becomes more or less static with many people. Prayers are sometimes routine - asking the blessing is a good example. People in general follow fixed patterns; even the Lord's Prayer is more or less a matter of rote (a committal to memory), without thought to its true meaning. Had you thought of that?

And, what about health methods? What is your pattern when ill? Do you rely on aspirin, pain killers, tranquilizers, shots, vitamins, and vaccines without thought about the side effects and consequences to your overall general health? Are you a victim of treatment routine?

What is health anyway? Is health something that can be bought and sold, or taken by the dose, or acquired on a doctor's prescription? Have you ever analyzed the question? Can health be injected by a hypodermic or grafted on by surgery? Think about it!

Doctors of chiropractic have a different approach. We look upon the body as God's masterpiece, a unit composed of many elements, all arranged in systems having definite functions, organized and harmonized through the nervous system.

What relationship does the spine hold to health? All functions and activities of the body are directed and controlled through the nervous system. You recognize this, perhaps, but do you realize that shocks and strains on the spine sometimes cause a vertebra to be displaced to a degree resulting in nerve interference that disturbs function, lowers resistance,and results in dis-ease.

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