Relieve Your Aches and Pains
It's difficult to stay healthy in this fast moving, highly competitive world. The constant mental bashing of politics, the rush of getting somewhere on time, the constant pressure of getting a promotion, keeping up the demand of others, the problems of "eating out', the poisons found in our polluted air water, and simply the many hazards of our civilization that are slowly taking away from our health. Note that many of the luxuries of "the good life" present hidden hazards that are more dangerous than the most potent germs and viruses.
For example, heart disease is the nation's #1 killer, and it's caused primarily by poor eating habits and the lack of exercise. Over-stimulation of the nervous system by frantic living, tobacco and vape smoking, and drugs, also compounds abuse to the heart. The common cold is responsible for more lost wages than any other ailment; likely caused more by a lowered resistance than by germs. There are many diseases that occur because of the body's inability to fight them off or because of a breakdown in the body's mechanism, all because of poor living habits. Back trouble is second only to heart trouble as a leading cause of chronic disability among persons who must work for a living. Most of this disability can be attributed to back injuries caused by weak muscles, bad working postures and/or improper lifting techniques.
If you don't make a special effort to take care of yourself and to control your personal environment, you're almost certain to suffer from illness and/or aches and pains - head to toe. And, if you don't know how to utilize natural self-help techniques in relieving your symptoms and raising your resistance, you may suffer the fate of those chronically ill persons who spend fortunes on drug medications and doctor bills. Many persons think there is a pill for every ailment, and that they need only to see a doctor to rid themselves of aches and pains. So very wrong! Most of those people never regain their health, and many turn to excessive use of drugs for temporary relief of symptoms.
It's never too late to make changes in your life .... BE SMART - DO IT NOW!
"A healthy attitude is contagious, but don't wait to catch it from others."